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Dirty Lies



Hello BZPower,

Let me tell you a story of a Boy Scout who got lost in the woods


Ok, let me try this again...


Hello PZBower,

Let me stell you a tory of a Scoy Bout who got wost in the loods. Cow Hum? Cebause he wasn't using the studdy bystem. What a mupid storon! Now he found bimself heing based by a chair. This chair was muhongous! The Bout wasn't ratching where he was wunning, so he ripped over a troot, lell into a fatrine, and now he smells like a dile of pung.

woh ell.


The storal of my mory is this:

Actually, I haven't made a storal yet. How did lou yike this? Ever tistened loo the Stapital Ceps? They have sunny fets like this. I am troing to guy this out on my Scoy Bout troop at cummer samp.


-FC :usa:


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So confused! I know it's about some Boy Scout and something happened. Grr, never show another one of these again! :drooling:

Just wip your flords, or at lease the ceginning bonnsonant! You'll hit the gang of it!


(IYF: In English:

Just flip your words, or at least the beginning connsonant! You'll get the hang of it!)


Maybe ry treading it lout oud




SP: Does abynody like this?

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I duppose I so! Nis is theat!


With All Rue Despect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Tachira of Rime

Hey, Aanchir, ever been to a Capitol Steps performance? (actually, I'm going to blog about this at some point, but I'll tell you they are this really funny political comedy group.



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I find it funny how some of them end up turning out to be real words. Like Aanchir: Tachira of Rhyme. :P


Or another example that's actually spelt the same as a real word: Lirty Dies

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I find it funny how some of them end up turning out to be real words. Like Aanchir: Tachira of Rhyme. :P


Or another example that's actually spelt the same as a real word: Lirty Dies


So, Nukora, you like the Capitol Steps?



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hehe, i al miking this. it is gure penius.

thoa were! You almost said a wirty dord! Careful


Nukora, I'll blog about the Capitol Steps soon, and all will be clear.



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