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Hurricane Sandy: Uncommon Kindness



Day 3. Still no water or power on our floor. My ragtag band of survivors and I intend to head out in search of food and/or epic adventure. If we had power our movie marathon would be The Day After Tomorrow, I Am Legend, and Cloverfield in keeping with the spirit.

Currently no sign of zombies.

Or roommate.



Slept good last night. In bed early, woke up late. Quite wonderful.


Raymond and I headed down to Weinstein for lunch: the food was hot and wonderful. Washed up and sat around and charged our gear at the sockets for a while before heading back to our dorm.


As it happens, the generator had run out of gas. The emergency lights and fire detectors were down. Worst of all, the wifi was gone. My ragtag band of survivors assembled and decided to head out. For adventure.


We went to the East River Park, through Alphabet City. We passed a generator set up with a bunch of power strips on a table. There was a sign that said "Charge your phones for free. Be courteous. It'll all be over soon." The flooding in Avenue C and beyond had receded (to our relief and mild dismay) and the river looked calm.


On our way back we passed by a Japanese restaurant (Rai Rai Ken) and a man came out motioning us towards the store and saying food.


Free food.


Another man came out with a tray with five plates of noodles and shrimp! We each took one (and a pair of chopsticks) and thanked him profusely. The food was good. So good. Never mind that hot food was hard to come by, it was good. We are going back when life returns to normal.


But man. Funny how disasters work, huh?


And since I've been posting a picture a day, here's me and my mad skills on a swing in the East River Park Playground:



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