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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


Every now and then, we all feel a little despondence. We lose hope or confidence and we feel down. Especially when we're about to tackle a daunting task, we all have our misgivings.


The specific thought that brings this all to mind is National Novel Writing Month. A lot of writers are dedicating themselves to the task of writing a hefty 50,000 words during the course of the ensuing month, and that is no simple task.


So for them, for anyone who needs a little inspiration, I offer this poem. It is actually a rewrite of a poem by Edgar Best, "It Couldn't Be Done." This version is by Edward Carp.





Somebody said it couldn't be done,

But he with a chuckle replied,

Maybe it couldn't, but I will be one,

Who'll never say 'No!' 'til I've tried."


So he buckled right in,

With a trace of a grin

On his face, if he worried he hid it.

And he tackled that thing that couldn't be done,


And he couldn't do it.



Yeah, you might want to look up that original. But I hope I helped. ;D


National Novel Writing Month writers, or anyone in general: Keep trying, keep persevering, and never lose hope!


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith



Recommended Comments

:kaukau: I think I would have just recommended that someone listened to the Rocky theme music and "Eye of the Tiger".


Or one of my cross-country coache's speeches. My goodness, he gave speeches every other day.



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