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LEGO Question

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks, I am just popping in today to inquire about something LEGO related since one of the projects, that I was thinking about trying to work on next year, has an idea attached to it that I am not sure how doable it is. Basically what I want to know is if LEGO has made any motion sensors for their Mindstorms series and whether or not they can be program in a loop to turn a light on temporally and then turn it back off (I am pretty sure you can program like that in Mindstorms. But well, I hadn't use NXT series before, so I am not sure.).


So yeah, are there any motion sensors in Mindstorms? I personally hope so since I was kind of hoping that I could maybe make the eyes on this studless mosaic project to light up when people go near it. But well, if LEGO hasn't made any, I guess I can't do it. So if any of you folks know if there is a motion sensor by LEGO, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment here to tell me. Thanks to those that do that.


Alright, that's really about it for this entry since well, I am tired. Oh, I guess I can mention that there is probably going to be Pokelog tomorrow since I did play quite a bit of Pokemon today. Until then though, thank you all for taking the time to read this and good night.


And yes, folks, I will be voting tomorrow. It should be easy to figure out who based on my Bio to the right. That's all I am saying on the matter.


-JMJ 2012


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In NXT, while there's no explicit "motion sensor", the ultrasonic sensor can probably perform that function. At the very least it'd be able to detect when something passed in front of it.


In RCX, you could use the camera (the same one used in Lego Studios, incidentally), although that'd have to be hooked up to a computer.

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@Lyichir: Yeah, I know that much from the LEGO Shop at Home page. But nothing that I can find seem to suggest it can actually perform the motion sensor function like I would like.


And well, that is why I was asking this here in the first place because I want to see if there was any Mindstorm users here that can confirm device has this function. But I guess since you are only one that response to this that not a lot of BZPers are familiar with Mindstorms, so I guess I'll just have to find that out for myself.


Thanks though for help, Lyichir.


-JMJ 2012

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