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Finished Voting



In typical BZPower tradition, I could post what I voted for and no more,






and that's exactly what I'm going to do.


Mitt Romney for President

Paul Ryan for Vice President

Yes on Illinois Constitutional Amendment 49 to require a 3/5 vote in the General Assembly to increase pensions for public employees.

Voted Republican for Congress (I don't want to give away the Congressional district in which I live)

Voted Republican for County Auditor, Clerk, Recorder, etc. (All but auditor ran unopposed; I also won't mention my county)

Voted Republican for Judicial positions (Also ran unopposed)

Voted Yes to retain all Judges on the ballot.

Voted Yes to merge County Recorder with Clerk.

Voted Yes on Power Aggregation for my Township. (Which I also will not name)


The most important vote I cast was probably on that amendment. It's unusual, because even though most Democrats oppose it, Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan (one of the highest ranking Democrats in Springfield, besides Governor Quinn) was the one who wrote it and passed it. I'm interested to see what happens.


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