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It's Momentous to Me, At Least...

Pahrak Model ZX


This past Tuesday, something momentous happened...


I finally got a full team of Pokemon all the way to Level 100!!

(Yeah, I know: what took me so long? Well...I dunno.)

It was originally my Platinum team, but they were also trained in HeartGold, White, and White 2. The team includes Lucario, Infernape, Giratina (Origin Forme), Floatzel, Garchomp, and Luxray. It's a strange feeling, seeing them "completed" like this...but now I'm thinking it's time to restart Platinum with a new team. So farewell, Pokemon Trainer Khadaz--your team has reached its limit, and now you must make way for a new trainer.


N-No, I'm not crying! I just came out of a battle where a Pokemon used Sandstorm, so I've got some sand in my eye!




More news on TWEWY -LIVE Remix-: more playable characters will be made available in the future, presumably by DLC (Joshua and Beat were specifically mentioned). We've also been told that we'll see Minamimoto someday. (Vague, yes, but now we have hope!) Also it's been officially confirmed that Live-chan and Hype-chan are not the same person--I guess some people were afraid the Solo Remix artwork was only hinting at Live Remix? More hope for a sequel!


Been working on Kako, may be able to get Chapter 33 up this week if I can finish my homework. Progress on Chapter 34 has been delayed a bit, but it's a big battle and I want to put some thought into it. I've also been putting some thought towards a couple of side projects, like a preview-type thing with Aile, Zempyst, and Xyla...not sure if I'm going to type it up or just wait to use it in the story. I did finally get Aile and Zempyst's appearances (more or less) finalized, though, so that's something.


Sigh, November...the month where you start to really run out of time to procrastinate on those final projects you've known about the entire semester. So guess what I'll be trying to get myself to focus on this week?


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