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Belated FRINGE Fr-aturday: Rambling Edition

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Its been awhile since I posted an entry, so I am here today to ramble a bit to make up for that.


Before I do though, I want to apologize for not getting a Pokelog this week. I actually was going to make this a Pokelog entry initally. But considering I didn't make a whole lot of progress in Pokemon Black 2 this week (Unless of course, you consider grinding for Eevee and training to be progress that is.), so I thought I might as well just save that stuff for an entry next week as I bound to play more Pokemon as I usually do while waiting for class to start and to catch a bus and all. So yeah, sorry about that, folks.


Oh, and speaking of next week, my good friend and I are going to see Wreck-It Ralph next Saturday. That should be fun, right? :) Well, I think it will be at least. Hm...I might do a short review of it here, if I am not too tried (Which by the way, that is another reason for why there has been many entries or posts on BZPower from me lately because I usually don't have time to write these things until it is like twilight hours of the day.).


But anyway, to start this right off, I am going to talk about FRINGE for a bit here. Most just my thoughts on yesterday episode. Well, only non-spoiler related thoughts. So yeah, this should be quick. Basically I liked yesterday's episode and I am looking forward to next one next week. In particularly, I like the fact that it brought back an old season 1 mystery to the story and I hoping that will mean that some light will be shred on that in future episodes.


There were some scenes with Peter and Walter were also quite rememberable, especially considering they are both under going a transformation of some sort. Although these scenes do worry me some since we are six episodes in now, which means we are halfway through the season now. So I am a tad worried that pacing of stuff for the story will feel off since they can only fit so much in seven more episodes. :( *shrugs*


In other news, I have found a way to restore my save data for Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask and it worked, so my ten hours of progress in that have been saved to my new 32GB SD card. :) Oh, and I also brought the new Pokedex app for 3DS. And well, it is pretty neat. Although it is a tad expensive, but I wouldn't say it is a bad app to have. I liked it and I hope if I ever go to something like BrickFair again and there is a Pokemon MOC that I can be the dude that says, "Oh, a Pokemon! I better check my Pokedex to see what it is."


*yawn* Oh, I got to watch today's episodes of MLP today. I thought it was pretty good opening for season. I mean yeah, it could of been better, but it definitely wasn't awful or anything. So well, I was happy with the episodes.


And...Well, folks, I am little too tired to ramble anymore. Hm...This probably would of been longer and up sooner had I not procrastinate on it by watching a bunch of Adventure Time earlier. Sorry about that, folks. Thanks though for taking the time to read this and I am sorry if it wasn't too exciting to read. *yawn* Well, good night, BZPers.


-JMJ 2012


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So much mystery, so little time to resolve it.


Not gonna get the 'Dex app. I don't have 15 dollars for something that really should be free =P.

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Dorek: Yeah, that's definitely true. I hope they at least resolve some of it though. *sigh*


Now while I agree with you that Pokedex Pro is a tad expensive, I don't think it would made sense making it free. Why? Because Nintendo at the end of day is a business, so they need to make a profit somehow.


Not only that, but Pokedex Pro comes with most of the Generations' Pokedex data, so the app is several times bigger than the free Pokedex app that they gave out last year. I mean come on, it is like half the size of a retail game for the 3DS. Really considering that fact, I would been shocked that Nintendo gave it out for free.


Now you might bring up that they gave out the original app for free. But you see they did that because it was supposed to be kind of like a demo for this new app to show you a bit of what to expect from it. Or at least that's what I think. I am not Nintendo obviously though.


So yeah, I don't necessary think it should of been free. Cheaper maybe, but definitely not free.


-JMJ 2012

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