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Holy Charmglows Batman!

Roa McToa


Spring is upon us here in Alaska. All the Home Depot stores I assemble for are screaming for help right now. They need all of the wheelbarrows that are left over from last year built (were talking hundreds here). So work has been rolling along. There is lots of money to be made...



I am working like crazy on getting my taxes all done on time. Oooiii I am sweating bullets over here! Its so close to the deadline. I really gotta start doing them up earlier LOL


I have a bbc42 entry built, I just need to find a few minutes to finalize it. I think they are adorable little critters, and they dont have tuggle eyes! Yayyy!


It's looking like I can take out my old bikes pretty soon! I am stoked about that! I got to do some riding while I was in Oregon, and got the bicycle fever! I love my schwinns! :happydance:


Anyways, I have to get back on my taxes, so I'll catch y'all on the flip side!


Roa out......


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Yay! Assemblage!

I'm sure it doesn't get as hot as it does in Texas. Ewww...

I can't wait to see the finalized version of your entry, I'm sure it will be cute!

My parents haven't even started taxes... uh oh.

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I think my dad did all the taxes at one of those funny booths in Wal*Mart. 'Cause he's not freaking out about it. XD


Best wishes on 'em and hope you get a fat return! :D


Ooo, I'm gonna add your blog to my list. You're staff now and staff is like family! If I had found it before, I probably would've added it anyway. Keehee. I'm so lazie I don't read people's blogs. xx

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