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Minecraft Misadventure

Blessed Blade


[NO NO NO NO Ah Dang It Why Did I Even Do That!?]


So; today's been interesting. Played a ton of Minecraft on my new world to test out some modifications, and got about 15 diamonds today alone(Everywhere I looked seemed to have them; and no, that wasn't part of the mods, that was genuine. =P). So, after doing that and therefore having 19 total, not dying at all in that world, and getting to about level 44-ish, in terms of EXP; I decided to lava mold myself a Nether Gate.


All went well; I entered, and immediately heard a ghast and built a base out of the Cobblestone I had brought for bridges. Went outside, tried and failed to play Dead Man's Bluff(Or whatever the name's called) with the ghast ala Zelda, repaired some of the damage to my platform, and eventually decided to enclose my portal. Ran outta cobblestone. Went back to my base in normal world. Grabbed more cobblestone. Ran back into my gate. Heard a ghast. Proceeded to run forward through the portal instead of backwards, running right off the platform into what apparently was lava, but seemed to be an actual platform to me. 0_o So, yeah, first death of the game gets credited to the ghast chasing me, with the assist going to my utter lack of direction. =P


So; I respawned, not realizing everything I had had at the time, but shrugging it off since I left the important stuff at home. =P Grabbed more cobble, and dodged the ghasts, as I promptly sealed THAT side off. Because that was just a stupid death. xD So, I then decide that I've already died once, and I might as well keep trying, so I go out into the open, and finally see the ghast that was shooting me(Or, rather, one of them). The problem is that I have to have my settings on tiny so to not crash the game, so I can barely see even the silhouette. So, I see it, track it, and realize how the reflection works. "ACHIEVEMENT GET!" That did the trick. =P


After that, I'm feeling even braver, so I go out to get what fell. I ignore the drop, since there was Netherrack, and it wasn't that far. I then proceed to make a bridge out there. So far so good, no ghast's tears, that sorta fun stuff. I explore a bit; but don't see any fortresses, unfortunately. So I gather some Soul Sand, and start to head back. Lo and behold, another ghast. Shooting at me. So, I decide to be tricky; I walk backwards. Bad move, there was fire. And I was starting to get hungry. And the fire was slowly killing me. Somehow I managed to eat and not die. =P So, I try to finish my bridge, since I had jumped when things shot at me earlier. =P


Needless to say, that was intriguing, as I was both reflecting the blasts I could get(Killed one of them during that stand, though two more replaced it. =P), and trying to both finish the bridge, and reinforce it with railings so it didn't blast me into lava. Everything surprisingly went well, made a platform at the bottom, and got a two brick high railing on either side of my three-wide bridge(Which turned it into one wide, but I didn't care, as that was the ORIGINAL size, as I was making my way over there. =P). Except, I ran outta cobble halfway through. That was not fun, but somehow I managed to dash(Not literally, of course, thankfully due in part to the third modification I was testing, the first two being Optifine and the Minimap) across to safety, without anything shooting at me. I even scaled the cliff, and got back through the portal, without anything attempting to kill me. I'm a little worried about that, I may wait before going back through next. =P


So, earlier in this, I mentioned about the items I lost? Yeah, I remembered my inventory(Or at least the majority of it) after.


1-3 Iron Picks(I forget how many)

1-3 Iron Shovels(Same)

Roughly 2 Iron Swords

1 Bow

50-something arrows

Tons of torches

Lots of sticks

Probably a full stack of coal(Not that that mattered, I had like 10 of those. =P)

7 buckets(6 full of milk and one of water)

Full set of Iron Armour, nearly broken


I think that's it, since I dashed off the platform before even TRYING to get Netherrack from destroyed things. xD Kinda painful, but I have like 4 full stacks of iron. =P


So yeah, that's the summary of my misadventure in the Nether. =P I don't like the layout of it for me. ._.; Too much stuff to kill me. xD I'm just glad I didn't anger any Pigmen, unlike on one multiplayer server I was on a couple months back. =P


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I always get stuck in tagia biomes... So while that is good for fighting the Enderdragon, it's not really all that good for most things...


Ahh... Or, you could have it be mostly made out of glass, but then the part with the tracks be made out of a solid material. The solid material doesn't block enough light, so mobs wouldn't be safe, and you'd be able to place rails...




...your next task is to find the place where he died, and build a grave.


Hey, you know of any good minecraft survival servers?)

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I got stuck in a Taiga biome in my other world, but I had initially spawned in a forest, so yeah. =P


You mean it wouldn't block the sunlight to give skeletons an overhang to avoid burning in the day? 0_o That would work, though.


I'll try my best, but I don't think there'll be any signs indicating where it is anymore. =/


Unfortunately no; all the survival/PVP hybrid servers I know of are offline, more or less. =/ I want to find some more, though, but given my track record... =P

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Tagia biomes are cool(hahaha see what I did there. :P) but annoying if you spawn in one.


I shouldn't... As long as you don't have two non-transparent blocks right next to eachother it should be fine...


You said it was by a cliff. Check the cliff for any DNA traces.


Ahh... Darn. I was hoping I could find one.

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Yeah, true. Snow can be fun, though I can definitely see how it wouldn't work well. =/


Hmm, true. I don't think I'll have a two-way track right yet, anyway. =P


I think it was by a cliff, but the bad thing about the place I'm at? Too many cliffs. =/


Yeah, I'm looking for one myself, simply because I want to do more than just multiplayer. xD Though, a lot of servers seem to not like it when you have even minor mods, like the sprinting fixer mod I have, that allows me to control when I sprint, rather than it being reliant on luck. >_>

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You probably don't have enough resources to make enough rails anyways. :P


...make a grave at ALL the cliffs. :P


Yeah... I'm looking for a server where I can just play minecraft with other people...

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I do need to set a custom spawn point, though; I messed up my spawn hut idea, since I didn't spawn in the hut when I died in the Nether. =P


I have like 4 stacks of iron. xD I know from watching Coe's Quest that I'll need a lot more, but I probably just need to go digging some more, since I get TONS of iron in the different caverns I go in. ._.'


I probably will just make one in an ambiguous located in the middle of the grass patch near where my stairs are. That's the most likely spot where I would've seen it. =P


Yeah, same.(Meant single player in last comment. >_>'') Single player can be fun, but so can multi-player, unless people continually try to steal your stuff.

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Yeah, there is like a 'spawn area' which is like 50 blocks wide/long. You'd need a really big spawn mansion if you want to be safe after death. Alternatively use a bed.


Coe's Quest? And yeah, Iron is really common now...


Funny story about graves in Minecraft:Me and by bro were playing and we decided to make our own village. So we set up our own mansions, a town hall, a prison, a bank, and our own 'cave of wonders' which we stored out nether portal in. So when we decided that our town needed a populace, we just grabbed all our iron(we had beaten both the wither and the End Dragon, so we had nothing better to do. :P) and made a ton of iron golems. But around half of them suffocated in a wall. So then we made a graveyard, and labeled all the graves(Ex: Here lies Steelsword, the best mayor in Desertvilage. We will all miss him.) and left it alone for a while. We came back, and within two minutes of logging in, an enderman had stolen the graves. :P


Yeah, I was thinking of making a private server, but unless my friends can cough up some cash to help pay for it, it's not gonna happen. But if I do end up making it, would you like to join?

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Aah, I see. That would explain why my Spawn waypoint was off it's mark. xD(That or I wandered around first)


A let's play series that I've been watching recently; from way back in Minecraft Alpha. Has some cool techniques, some of which still work today. =D(But not others, unfortunately, like the two space ladder set-up.)


Haha, that sounds rather humourous. xD Unfortunately, all the Endermen in my world do is try to kill me, like I mentioned in my newest entry. =P


Sure; that'd be pretty cool. =D I've never actually been on a Survival server where people don't really try to kill each other. And especially not one that wasn't already up for months before I found it(Since my cousin usually finds the servers I join). =P

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Yep. :P


Ahh... Never heard of it.


Once an Enderman stole my TNT and placed it in my fireplace. In the middle of my house. I was not amused. :P


Alright, if I manage to get it going I'll tell you.

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I'll probably just rely on the beds, then. =P


It's quite awesome, and the LPer, Coestar, is bringing it back sometime soon, so I've been catching up on the current 200 episodes. =D


Ouch, sorry to hear that. xD That said, it does sound rather humourous. Endermen are certainly not dumb mobs. =P


Alright then, sounds good. =D

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Yeah, probably your best bet. (Although, a spawn mansion sounds like a great idea...) Alternatively, if you really want a spawn shack, you could enable cheats and use the /spawnpoint command.


Ahh, I'll have to go look him up.


Yeah, I think I'm on the Ender-Mafia's hit list... :P

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I'd make a spawn mansion, but my spawn's weird, since it's more or less right next to a thick part of a jungle. =P


Yeah, I definitely recommend it. =D


I think I'm starting to get on it too, I've been decimating more Endermen this world than any other world, including multi-player. =P

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Then cut down the jungle. Or burn it. Either or. :P


He's an okay LPer I guess. I'm still on like video 2 or 3 though, so...

:P Oh, btw, you know how you were looking for a village? Me and my bro just started up a world(so we could have a world devoted to Christmas cheer :D) and guess what? Not even twenty blocks away from our spawn was a naturally occurring village. Filled with villagers with great trades. :P I think you're just unlucky...

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Well, burning the jungle MIGHT work... Though I use the trees for part of my buildings, so probably not. =P Cutting it down would help though,along with leveling some of the land. =P


Of Coe's Quest, or Feed The Beast? Things get a lot better(and funnier) as Coe's quest progresses; and watch for something hilarious in Episode 24. =P


Wow. xD That's kinda cool. =P Did you find a forest nearby? =P

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CleanBurn it all. It must be cleanedburnt. It's much quicker that way.


Coe's Quest.


Yep. Basically how it works is that you spawn in a river biome. On the left side of the River Biome there is a snow biome filled with Christmas cheer. On the right, a forest biome, filled with diamonds and lapis. :P

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Again, I would do that, but it'd leave noticeable holes in my shelters, since I built some of the 'temples' like you would see in the Twilight Princess version of the Temple of Time from Zelda; run-down, and trees growing in with the rest of the building. =P


Then it definitely gets better as it goes along. It starts to really get going once he gets the mineshaft started. Gets really funny once he runs into a certain... obstacle related to mysterious noises he hears. I won't spoil anything more for you, though. =P


Wow. =O That's actually rather impressive, nice job there. =D

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Ahh... Quarantine all necessary parts so that they won't burn then BURN IT ALL! (I love how my solution to everything is quarantine it, and if that fails, then burn it. :P)


Ahh, I'm actually on the episode where he goes and investigates said noise I believe...


Yep. And the best part is the villagers in the aforementioned village have this great deal. One emerald for 7 apples, and 5 apples for one emerald. :P

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Haha, true. =P Might try redstone stuff eventually, too. Especially for doors.


Episode 6 is where that starts, but the awesome parts are a few episodes further into it. =) There are a couple episodes in and around the 20 mark where there's not as much action for a reason you'll see when you get to it, but it quickly picks back up in pacing. =)


Nice. xD Multiplying emeralds as usual, I see. =P

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Oh, I hate piston doors, they're so complicated to hook up in a small amount of space. Unless of course you meant iron doors connected through some fancy-smancy redstone wiring.


Ahh, okay.


Yep, until they stopped accepting those trades. Darn auto-improving AI. :P

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I'm starting simple with iron doors(Ha. haha. 'Simple'. See my upcoming blog entry. xD)


I'm only up to episode 50, myself. Was going to watch more today, but then I got distracted, and went on my laptop instead of my desktop. =P


Dang. =P

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Yeah, once I get experience with redstone, it'll likely make a lot more sense. =P


So I'm only barely a quarter of the way through. =P


But hey; some's better than what I have. =P

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