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Was The Hobbit in IMAX Worth It?



My wall thinks so:






But nah, it was epic. Perfect? No, not quite (I'll get to that), but certainly epic. I like how they're bringing in Dol Guldur and all.

Also they made each dwarf distinct, even if they do get rushed over a lot.


So what'd I change? Pacing, mostly. Take a critical hand and cut away. The stone giant battle while really cool, was unnecessary and slowed it down. Same with Radagast's introduction, could have cut a few minutes off of that too. Just bits here and there to improve the pacing.


Oh, and the Into Darkness preview kicked all kinds of awesome.



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:kaukau: I really liked Into Darkness's extended trailer. It's much better than the shorter version, and I'm getting all sorts of good vibes from it.


As for pacing, I was fine with what they had, really. I'm sort of glad that they decided "To heck with this, this isn't your conventional film so we're going to treat the pacing like its own thing and do every single part of the story a piece of magnificent justice."



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Is it just me, or did the 40 FPS make things look like they were moving TOO quickly at times? Others have claimed it added realism to the movement, but I felt it was jarring.


And if you thought this was long winded, wait until the extended cut comes out. :P



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Kraggh, it was the 9 minutes of Into Darkness I saw, not just the extended trailer.


And yes, it does deserve to take its time; but bits like the stone giant fight which added nothing to the overall plot (or at least nothing that couldn't be incorporated elsewhere) felt extraneous. We could've gotten the same amount of characterization from Radagast had we started with him running home, then rushing around his house finding something and only then do we see that the reason he's all worked up is because of the hedgehog. Same effect, that much quicker.


And yeah, xccj, I kinda figured with three movies we wouldn't need an extended...


Btw, I didn't get to see it in 48fps. I wanna though, but not in 3D.

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