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Toa Mata Nui. Get it or not get it



Okay so I have been conflicted weather or not to buy this set. Please not Im not a MOC and and get Bionicles for play and display only.


Okay so I have a major first world problem here. I have £150 to spend on Bio's. Now I thought I had chosen the sets I wanted. These were


The Toa Inika


The Makuta Phantoka and Mistika

Toa Mahrii



These come to £150


If I wanted to buy Mata Nui, i have to swap it for two options. This could be my only chance to get him, but is really worth it?


You tell me Bionicle Zone. you tell me.


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You mean the big Mata-Nui? It's one of the worst designed sets of the series with an awful mis-matched colour scheme, and let's be honest - if it wasn't Mata-Nui nobody would want it.


Plus the value of Bionicle is only going to deteriorate so spending a lot on it isn't a wise move.


- Tilius

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Are you thinking you'll keep it together or use the parts for MOCs? Toa Mata Nui has some great parts, but I'd agree with Tilius that he's not the best set by any stretch of the imagination. So unless you really want that gold Ignika, I'd stick with your list as it currently stands.

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Im assuming you think Im planning to sell it. That is definitely not the case.

Well, you probably would do eventually so it's a good idea to plan for it. There's no point spending a load of money on something that will eventually be almost worthless unless you REALLY want it - and if you're asking people whether you should get it, you don't REALLY want it. :)


- Tilius

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I think you are right about Mata Nui, but the others I do want and was always planning on getting them no matter what. Its just Mata Nui would stop them from being brought this year. Also I probably wont end up selling them. I cant predict the future but I have never been a stock and supply kind of guy,

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Yeah, it's just my way of buying expensive things. For example, I spent £50 on a little Link figure recently, but that's okay because it's a Japanese Figma figure of a popular character so it'll keep it's value IF I ever NEED the money. I never intend to sell it, but it's good to know that I could basically get my money back in an emergency or if I lose interest, whereas spending a lot on Bionicle doesn't have that sort of security seeing as most sets are near worthless now. It's just my personal way of buying when it comes to expensive items. Stops me feeling that guilty about spending, lol.


- Tilius

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True, true. I actually do remember going to sell my Bionicles a few years back(When I was trying to be all cool and fit in). I saw the small prices they were going at and left it

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