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NightCraft #1

Blessed Blade


[A New Journey]


So; as I decided the other day, I'm starting a new series of nightly Minecraft entries, based on my playthroughs. However, this is a second series, that'll run alongside Minecraft Misadventures, taking place in a world of it's own. That way, people looking for a dedicated entry series won't be confused by the fact that I started the entries of Minecraft Misadventures like halfway into the world(After I got the major stuff, like, you know, 19 diamonds. =P), whereas the people who like Minecraft Misadventures won't be disappointed by me prematurely cancelling the series, which is not happening, just to reiterate. These are two different series, and this might even be paused for a few days, until I can get into a rhythm of balancing the two series. Basically, the two series will be updated whenever I play the respective worlds(The Minecraft BZP Series for this, and The Map for Minecraft Misadventures).


With that over with, let's get on with the show, shall we?


So, I generated a new world, thanks to the kind seed suggestion from Biobeast in the comments of Minecraft Misadventures #3.(For the record, the seed was 'thisistotallynotagoodseed', apostrophes included. =P) I spawned... In trees. Again. I look around, and sure enough, I'm once again in a jungle. Honestly, I could use some variety, like, you know, Extreme Hills, or a desert or something. xD I look around, and find that I'm actually on top of a REALLY big hill. Checking my minimap shows me at about layer 80-90 or so, which is pretty dang high up.


I began to look around at the scenery, looking, in fact, for where the 'bonus chest' that contains my starting equipment went to. In the mean time, I see tons and tons of trees, quite a bit of sand(That should give me plenty of glass. =P) I still couldn't find that chest, however, no matter how much I looked, and decided to just give up on it for that moment, and focus on making a hole in the ground to hide in(I set the difficulty to hard, thinking it might give more entertaining deaths for you guys. =P). However, as it started to turn to night, I got the idea to look around for the torch(es) placed with the chest. After a little while, I see the light coming from UNDER a tree. ... Literally two seconds from my spawn point. I must've passed by it a dozen times. I was not impressed at that, but laughed it off mentally. =P


I headed back to my makeshift base, and hollowed it out, having still just had dirt. I started the mineshaft that'll be used a lot in the near future, and then began making a staircase down the side of my base to go get some cobble, getting 8 just in time to make a furnace; I had only gotten one torch from near that chest, and things were getting rather dark in the hole I made. So, I quickly made a furnace, burned a tree, and got charcoal to make a quick few torches out of. Went back, grabbed more cobble, and make some stone tools, including a sword. Continued down a little further, and then decided to check and see if it was day... It was.


I quickly worked on expanding the outer area of my base a little, and then made a door, so I'd be a little more protected. After that, I decided I wanted to get started on the mineshaft, so I went to grab sand for glass from some of the beaches. In fact, I found one near a small... pond, I guess. Seems too small to be a lake.(Though, you could argue it's a river, since it's in a forest/jungle thingy.) As I was digging the sand, however, I saw gravel. Recalling how many people have luck finding stuff hidden under gravel, I dug it all out, running out of shovel in the process. However, my extra persistence paid off: I found 3 iron hidden under all that. Still no sign of Coal, though.


Digging my way back, I made yet another staircase back up to my spawn area, and headed over to my dirt base, and smelted the iron and sand into iron ingots and glass. I broke the ceiling of my base in order to put in a skylight, just as it was changing to night. So what did I do? Well, I towered up with dirt to the tree that seemed to be blocking some of my skylight's light, and broke the leaves of the tree. What, do you guys do something else at night? Sleep? What's that? =P


After that minor detour, I headed back down my dirt pillar, and ran into a zombie. Someone's gonna call me out on this as 'cheating', but I just stayed on the pillar, in my sword's range but out of the zombie's, and smacked him to redeath. =P (Hey, I have no armour, of course I'm going to choose the option with less chance of death. =P) Interestingly enough, that was all the baddies for that night. I was rather surprised no skeletons tried to shoot me. 0_o


Got back in, quickly dropped things off, and took the remaining glass being smelted. (two blocks, not enough for anything but windows, which unfortunately are not possible right here. =P) I then headed out, and tried to make a spiraling staircase up a HUGE jungle tree, but stopped about halfway, when it was taking so long to do. I still managed to get about 12-15 lumber, though. I then just spent the rest of the time just taking a leisurely jog around the jungle, looking for anything interesting, but alas, I only found one odd cave that just connected two sides of one island, and a bunch of cows, which I killed because I had no other use for them yet.(That's going to bite me in the future, I can tell it) Two got stuck in the leaves, though. xD


I headed back, and made some ladders to get my mineshaft started, but after going down three layers, I just stopped there for the night, because it was getting late.


Hopefully I'll have more of both NightCraft and Minecraft Misadventures up tomorrow, but we'll see what I have time for. I wanna get around to the Nether(To die some more! 8D), but I'd like to see what's up with NightCraft's very odd lack of coal. I have yet to find a single piece of coal yet. Granted, I probably have just been missing it all, but... I'll need it kinda soon. xD


So, for now, Blade out!


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Haha, yeah, I did that once, but it pretty much takes charcoal to make charcoal, so I'm trying to ration it out.


Also, I have tons of iron over on my other world. xD

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Spend two Wood Blocks to make three charcoal, which you then use to make twenty four charcoal... You get a ton more than you use.


...on my Christmas world, I have just found iron. After digging 2x2 mineshafts to bedrock at least twice, and finding more then 10 diamonds. > :(

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Umm... Not really. If I did, I would've said it earlier. Other than when strip-mining, the best diamond finding level is 10-13, and to always use iron pickaxes when strip-mining, as you always(unless you're me) find more iron that what was used to make the picks.

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