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Surrender Is Not An Option!



^Quote from a political ad sponsored by John McCain ad that came up during a Board Message^

It's nice to know that single-issue voters such as those in favor of destroying Lord Survurlode will have someone to vote for.


I'm fairly tired after a fun night spent quasi-partying/hanging/random-verb-here with friends. It's very entertaining to watch a trio of girls, one of which is still slightly doped out on opiates (Don't ask. If you ask, I shall have to bore you with a Tedious Reminiscence.), attempt to karaokify N'Sync songs while doing a sort of chorus line.

It is the duty of the guys to stand back, let them get on with it, and look slightly surprised when one of the girls suddenly attacks them with a random comment. Ya rly! I was just standing there, attempting to follow the train of thought (a task which I now realize was impossible), when one friend (name withheld for legal reasons) turned on me with a question about something-or-other-the-subject-of-which-I-have-now-forgotten. I was still trying to figure out how this logically followed from what little I had been able to grasp of the intricacies of female conversation when she turned back to another friend and resumed the conversation. By the time I had gotten around to thinking of an answer, it was too late.


Question: Does Arpy get a wee tad bit too fanciful/prosaic/unable-to-think-of-the-proper-adjective-and-having-to-substitute-extremely-long-uber-hyphenated-made-up-words-instead when he stays up too late? Discuss.





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maybe you should get some sleep.


anyway, at least you get invited to parties. Now I can be prepared if I shall ever be insert-verb-that-describes-my-situation.


anyway, maybe next time you'll be talking.



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