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Oath To Order

Blessed Blade


I ran up the stairs to the clock tower in the city I lived in. Above the building, the moon grew ominously nearer. I reached the top, and realized the gravity of my situation, even as my resolve simply grew greater. I thought back to how this all began, and how I got involved in all of it. As I recalled the thoughts of the past week, I played the sacred song... The Oath to Order.


(Three days ago)


This past week was the festival of the moon, a traditional celebration that involved everyone wearing masks that were said to have great powers. I didn't believe that, or the rumour of the world ending on 12/21/12 at first, until I first saw the moon in an odd position in the sky. At that point, three days earlier, a mysterious fellow told me that an important, special, and very dangerous mask had been taken from him, and that it needed to be retrieved in three days; the exact time when the fireworks celebration would take place for the festival of the moon... And the exact time when the world was said to end. I never made the connection at first, but that soon changed, when I ran into a masked child, who taunted me about the green-clad hero's destiny to save the world, or let it burn.


I found it odd, but I quickly asked around, and found out that it was said that a person wearing green clothing was to appear and save three four protector giant with a magic sword and instrument. I shook it off; however, when I got back to my apartment, I realized that the clothes I was wearing that day were indeed green, and noticed that my keyboard synthesizer somehow was still working, despite not having had batteries in it for months, and being unplugged. Starting to get creeped out, I showed one of my friends what was happening after I noticed it, and they gasped, and informed me, that I was apparently the hero of legend. Not fully understanding, I was directed to the nearby swamp, where I had to go into the ruins that had long been there, and fight through many monsters. Eventually, I freed a spirit that had been trapped there recently, and learned a new song from it, that was simply called the 'Oath to Order'.


Traveling back, I realized I had about 2 and a half days left to get this task done, so I ventured toward the mountains in the distance. I didn't realize it would be as time consuming as it was, but I journeyed on, and eventually reached a temple at the top of a snow-covered mountain, and once again fought through it, facing off against creatures I could previously only dream about. I wondered why things were suddenly appearing, but brushed it off for the moment, having freed a second spirit. I also found it strange how familiar this situation seemed, but moved forward, headed toward the nearby ocean next. At that point, I only had 1 and a half days left, so I quickly hurried, discovering a hidden shrine on my way, which contained a sword that even I could sense had strong magic powers in it. Disregarding that for the moment, I made my way through a segment cut off from the rest of the ocean, and eventually reached an enigmatic place in the middle of the ocean. I battled my way through that too, and found a third spirit, who filled me in on the rest of the legend.


Apparently I had been destined since ancient times; the so called 'end date' being a call to the hero of fate to step up and save the world, or watch it be destroyed. The mayans created a magic mask that eventually grew a personality of it's own. Fearing the great power of it, they sealed the mask away. They knew it wouldn't hold forever, so they 'predicted' the end of the world, which was in reality three days after the seal broke. Due to the child-like nature of the evil sentient mask, they figured that it would 'play' with the inhabitants of the world, by giving it a warning, which is why they placed the 'end of the world' after the breaking of the seal. To combat the power, however, they crafted special tools to repel or seal the evil once more; the Blade and Keyboard of Fate. In order to stop this moon, however, I must free the last spirit of the giants, they told me, and then play the Oath to Order.


Finding myself back in the city with only a day left, I quickly headed to the last place that there could be evil nearby; the graveyard. On the way, it all started to make sense to me: Why everything seemed so familiar, what the deal was with the legend of the Mayans, and why the masks were said to be magic. There was a game that was created to 'test' for potential Heroes of Fate, and to imprint in their memory the song that was necessary to either reset the chain of events, or the song to stop the events from ever occurring again. The Mayans weren't just predicting the end of the world; they were rather predicting when the evil they sealed would be able to wreak havok once more. And then destroy the world. Because obviously that would happen anyway. The masks were magic, especially the ones handed down through the generations. Not all masks in the world are magic, but I found out the ones crafted during the festival do get imbued with special power. I tracked down a good number of them in the previous days during the festival, however, I hadn't initially thought them to be useful.


Further questions, however, had to wait, as I arrived at the graveyard, and made my way into an ancient spiraling hole descending into the ground. After making my way through the depths, I defeated a large monster, and freed the last giant, who instructed me to find and retrieve the last masks I was missing, and then call them when the time was right. I didn't know when that was at first, however, as I went around the city, tracking down the last few masks and helping people out in the process, I realized the 'right time' was at midnight of the final day of the festival, when powers were said to be the strongest. At that point, I knew where to go, and after I found the last two masks, I took my collection, and headed to wait for the clock tower to open. As I headed there, I noticed people being told to evacuate; I guess they realized the grave nature of the situation. I can't let them down.




The clock struck midnight a few minutes ago, and now I am running up the stairs, finally caught up in my tale. I'm at the top now, and I'm looking around, but I don't see any... Wait; what's that? The child from three days ago? How is he hovering in the air? What the!? He's causing the moon to speed up it's course! The Keyboard... It's my only chance. I have to play it. I have to play the Oath to Order... Here goes nothing! I play the song... And nothing seems to happen at first; though the kid is freaking out. I then head rumbling sounds off in the distance, that aren't caused by the moon... But; is it really enough?! Wait... What's that sound? It's like the song is echoing... I listen closely, and then look over the side of the Clock Tower, and realize that people have not evacuated after all. They put that much faith in me, and are now echoing it in the melody that spread throughout the city and surrounding countryside... They are echoing the Oath to Order! Just as it seems all hope is lost, a glimmer of light shines through, and the four giants appear, just in time.


The giants push out against the falling moon quickly, barely managing to stop it in it's tracks. I stare in shock, not entirely able to believe that it's all over, however, the child seems to be going even crazier, mumbling stuff about how things don't end there, and then lowers to the ground, and collapses, as the mask levitates into air, and beams into the moon. I frown at that, not noticing a way up, however, the giants channel the energy that is not being used to stop the moon, into sending me into the heart of the moon itself... Here goes nothing.


What.. Is this place? It's not what I'd expect at all... A sprawling field, with a lone tree in the middle. I go to investigate, and find five red haired children, looking like the mysterious fellow from earlier. I talk to the children, and they request the masks I collected. I complied, and handed over all the masks, and then they disappear, forcing me to talk to the last child, who is wearing the evil mask. He hands me one final mask, saying he wants to play, and I accept the mask, and don it, even as the scenery warps, and the mask floats in the air, tentacles suddenly appearing from it's back.


I draw my sword, only to find it's become a dual helix styled sword. I gasp in shock, and look at my reflection. I... have become the legendary 'Fierce Deity', resembling his look right down to the last detail. I finally understand my role in all this, and I turn to the mask with a cold look. I dash forward, slashing out at the sentient mask, sending out beams of light in the process. The mask recoils, however, the remains; which the spirits of the giants were trapped in earlier; suddenly appear from seemingly within me, and take on semi-physical forms. I quickly destroy them, and continue to attack the mask, however, it quickly knocks me back, causing me to wince at the force of the attack, and then grows arms and legs.


The first thing it proceeds to do... Is moonwalk away from me. I just stare at it, and shake my head, and then go on the offensive, slashing out at it quickly, even as it whipped it's 'arm' out at me, slamming me into a nearby mirror. The mirror shatters, and I lay there face-down for a moment, however, the thought of all the people counting on me; believing in me... It gives me a reason to stand up. I slash out once more at the mask, and it seems to yell in pain, before transforming once more, into an even more humanoid form. It seems to be wanting me to give it my all... So that's exactly what I will do. This is for everyone in the world; I will not lose! I slash out at the monster with all my might, and every attack seems to fuel the next, dealing more and more damage. The last attack seems to fatally damage the mutated mask, and it roars in pain, slamming me back once more, this time, however... I can't hold on...


What happened next was told to me only by by-standers afterward... But, apparently the moon's 'face' disappeared, and went back into orbit. I appeared on the grass outside of town, still unconscious, with both the Fierce Deity Mask and the evil mask near me. The evil mask seemed relatively intact, aside from a slight discolouration where I had fatally wounded it. When I came to, I saw the child who caused all this trouble, trying to explain that he had just been lonely, and that the mask took over his thoughts after he first found it. The odd fellow that started this whole journey was also there, and thanked me for retrieving the mask, and then walked off. I made no effort to stop him, since the evil seemed to be stopped, and I was in no condition to even really move. I just wonder if that was enough, or if that was really all that happened... I seem to recall the mask saying something like 'thank you' as it was dying.



For the record, this is to be read as if the person has only three hearts. Makes the big fight much more suspenseful. =P


(Also, the ending sequence takes place at about 3-4 AM-ish. Earlier than when it would take place in Majora's Mask, simply because it's too early to do anything more without going over the time IRL. =P)[/hr]


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*Claps* Very nice Blade, but if you're the Hero, and this takes place in the year of 2012, then why didn't you just fly to the places, instead of walking? Seems like it would've saved some time if you just parachuted into the final room...

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Well, for the moon, it's a case of 'burning up on impact'. =P But for the others, I'm saying that there's evil barriers surrounding the places that can only be passed on foot. Though parachuting in would have been fun. Except for the last place, since it was deep underground. =P


But, given the speed that the character got to the places in the story, I'd say he took a plane to the mountains, and likely a boat to the ocean. =P The swamp never was that complex to get to, anyway. =P

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