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(Mis)Adventures of a Vegetarian: Day One



So, I've been thinking about going vegetarian for a while now. Not for any particular reason; it's just supposedly healthier, better for the environment, and more responsible as a whole in terms of leaving a footprint. I've been doing some reading on the subject for a while now, and I decided that today would be my day.


Again, no particular reason. I've just been putting it off due to life being super busy, and not having the energy to attempt a major change in my diet, but I'll always find excuses if I let myself (even if I don't mean to), and there's no time like the present, right?


I'll be chronicling my adventures in my blog, both as a way of keeping a record of my progress, and also as a way of staying accountable. The more people who know of my decision, the less likely I'll be to give up. :)


Day One began with me rolling out of bed and popping upstairs to see bacon in the skillet. Without a second thought, I ate a couple pieces, before remembering my resolution.


The days ahead suddenly looked a whole lot darker.


Nonplussed, I declared that those two pieces were my last pieces of bacon for the foreseeable future and immediately began making breakfast. Today's my first day off in months (I usually work Monday through Saturday, and do volunteer work at my church on Sundays), so I had time to construct a cheese omelette with sautéd peppers and spinach (sautéd in coconut oil, by the way; I absolutely recommend it), and a dash of hot sauce.


But Eyru, you cry. Eggs and cheese? That's not vegetarian!


Au contraire, my darlings. It's not vegan. To keep things relatively simple, I'll be starting off as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means I'll allow myself to eat eggs and dairy products. As time passes, I may up the ante and begin eliminating those form my diet as well. I also will still consume fish, for various reasons, but I may eventually work my way up to eliminating that as well.


So, for now, I'm basically cutting out red meat. My family used to be very much meat-and-potatoes, but thankfully we've gradually shifted over the past few years to a much more multicultural style of dining, so several of our meals are usually vegetarian anyway. I'm hoping this relatively gentle learning curve will help me stick with it.


I'll update you tomorrow on my progress (hopefully with pictures!). In the meantime, any good recipes would be appreciated. :)


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Sounds cool! Best wishes in your decision! It's not too awfully difficult and there's tons of easy and good recipes out there. Janus is a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat, however he still consumes dairy products. I still eat meat, but now that we live together, I probably eat it like three times a week. I keep plenty of peanut butter and eggs in the house for quick protein, and we eat lots of green vegetables, mushrooms, and potatoes. We were eating too much cooked pasta and rice last year, but since that's high in starch, we've been cutting back. Some of our favorite vegetarian dishes are stuffed portabello mushroom caps, eggplant casserole, homemade macaroni and cheese, vegetable stir-fry, and homemade vegetarian pizza. We don't like spending a ton of time cooking, and these dishes are pretty easy to make. I just Googled for the recipes.


One thing I made up on my own (though it was pretty easy) was a vegetarian soup; I get a pack of veggie soup spices/stock maker and add water, diced tomatoes, vegetarian meatballs (they're really good), fresh broccoli, sliced mushrooms, frozen corn and green beans, spiral shaped noodles, basil, and salt in a stock pot. You just let it come to a boil and then simmer on medium for about 15 or 20 minutes. It feeds the both of us for a few days.

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Honestly, one of the biggest things I've found about vegetarian eating is that seasonings are your best friend. Two pieces of bread, mayo, pepper, little bit of basil, some tomatoes and lettuce. simply heavenly.


Also, there's actually a term for vegetarians who choose to still eat fish, it's Pescetarian. I simply say this because there are many people who will misunderstand when you say you're an Ovo-lacto vegatarian who still eats fish.


I still have people who frequently misunderstand my diet, and cook fish for me to eat--so y'know, the confusion goes all the way around.


Anyhow, congratulations! It's not the easiest diet (I mean a lot candy contains gelatin, and now that's right out) but it's rewarding and healthy in its own way. I've been doing it for over three years and I love it.


Good luck!

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