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I Don't Like Rushing...

Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: :annoyed:

Currently Listening To: Fallen Man - Relient K

About to do: School


Fallen Man is my current fav Relient K song. It’s great. :D


I don't have much time since I really should be starting school now, but that can wait after a needed entry.


I updated my art if none didn't know. So far I am pretty happy on this update; there is nothing much I hate in it. And I love how Kalmah came out.

Though I might say now; where are those 4 doods? Well, I'm sorry Phy, Raka and Beliwa. That will have to be held a bit longer I am afraid. You see, the version 2 for the Cross group picture was going SO WELL. And not only that but I practically used up a lot of my prismacolor markers on it. And then I just had to rush last night....and it looks really bad now. ;-;

So I'll probably will have to do a redo on that drawing; or with a chance I can fix it on Photoshop, not sure, we will just have to wait and see what will happen. But still, I'm very depressed about that. :(


Anyhow, now that I made everyone happy with an update, I can now focus on some work Swert needs me on. This will take about a month if I don’t rush like I usually do! ><


Oh and sorry I missed you on Yahoo Aanchir, I got on around at 9 cuz' my sister didn't let me on....So yeah.


Ok....*Goes off to do school*


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I thought it was something involving The Cross (even though I don't have the slightest idea what it is, only that it involves four members :P )


Eh... school. Have fun. :P

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That's perfectly all right...manya re the pieces of art which will be lost to posterity because they were rushed. The sketch for the Mona Lisa, f'r instance.


Take as long as you want...that's my motto. The same one that keeps taking this chapter I'm writing so long...

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Don't worry, Lady K. I can always wait a day, no matter how much joy I get in talking to you. It was sweet of you to apologise to me personally, though. :)


Still can't wait for the request list to reopen, but I hope it's not too soon. My mom moved all the pictures I had taken off the camera onto her computer to prepare for the trip to Rome, so I have yet to get her permission to use her computer and upload the pics to Brickshelf.


Hope we can talk again tonight!


- :vahi:

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Guest Phyoohrii


Oh. So that was who those four doods were. :P

Don't worry about it. It'll turn out great in the end.


IPB Image

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*Akapela(sp)* Don't worry... about a thing... 'cause every little thing... is gona be alright *bobs a bit to the tune*

Coloring mishaps >_< hate them. That is why I scan my outline/sketch/inked onto the computer then print it off and color that... so the original is untouched... I'm pretty sure you do something similar. I found it a great time saver.


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Same reason most of my older art is CGed. The "printing it out" method is okay, but for some media, such as watercolor, you need paper that is at least a bit thicker and more absorbent in order to make your colors look right. However, even that is preferable to damaging the hard copy.


While we're on the subject of art, how much longer till you get up the next tutorial?


- :vahi:

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i dunno... I realy like "Crayons Could Melt for All I Care". Good song. lol . Hey, don't wory, Lk. I was looking through most of my old work, and I've made up my mind that I had realy good ideas for poses when I didn't realy draw well, and now that I can draw well, I can't come up with good poses... :annoyed:


Anywho, hope your day is realy awesome, Lk.


Eo out.


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See, you guys are smart. I always color over my originals.






EDIT: Aanchir I'm almost done with the next part, I need to scan some things and finish writing stuff out. I'll try to finish it by Saturday!

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I used to, back before we got a scanner. However, as soon as I got smart and stopped doing all of my artwork on lined writing paper, I decided that my originals were too special to color (although my little brother has offered several times).


- :vahi:

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