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Bricks Cascade 2013!



(Image links to my Flickr gallery photos from the event!)



So first things first, Rob (Janus), Becca (Hahli Husky), Micah (Kakaru), Maddison (Nukaya), Myself (DeeVee), and Doug (Doug), won the speed build. By a lot. This is our victory image.


Greatest Hits: BEST BIONICLE trophy, BEST TOA "MODERATOR" trophy, BEST USE OF PARTS trophy, and BEST RAHI trophy.


Cascade was a lot of fun. I went to work at 4:30am that Thursday, clocked out at 9:45am, and then picked Micah up from the airport around 11:30am. We went to downtown Portland, saw some sights, picked up lunch at some food carts, and then went to Powell's City of Books where Rob and Becca met us when they got in. We got some Starbucks (multiple times, because I work there and because I love it), and then we went and picked Maddison up from work!


Then we ate dinner, and hit up the Convention Center. We unloaded some stuff, set it all up, and then came home and hung out.


Friday we did more set-up, hung out, bought stuff, and hung out with Kevin Hinkle. We won the speed build, and that was awesome. Maddison and I finished second in the blind couple speed build. That was also cool!


We got some Red Robin (yum!) with Kevin. That was fun.


Also, Tomaku sent me a Spider-Man comic from Sweden! His name is Spindelmannen over there! It is probably one of the coolest things ever. Oh man it makes me so happy. You guys don't even know.


Saturday was the first public day, and that was awesome. The closing ceremonies were a bit of a rough patch, as an extremely inappropriate and unfortunate placing of a "keynote speaker" ruined it for most of the attendees. Seriously, if you want to give a lecture on how you build MOCs, it needs to be a talk during the convention hours like all the other seminar speakers. I lost track of how many attendees came up to me to complain about it the next day.


Saturday night we grabbed some pizza with Kevin Hinkle, and then said adios as he had to fly back to Connecticut Sunday morning.


Sunday we finished it all up, got more free stuff, bought more random LEGO stuff, and watched one of the organizers rig the final prize giveaway so she'd win the $1000 LEGO jewelery prize. Seriously, Cascade has some wrinkles to iron out still.


We went to the LEGO store after that, where Maddie and I bought some Iron Man 3 sets. That was cool. Then Rob and Becca drove back to Canada.


The next day Micah and I hung around Portland, got some sandwiches from a place with a name I can't mention on BZP, met Maddison for lunch, and then I dropped him off at the airport and went back to my normal life.


Also, I got promoted at work that week too. The world is crazy.


Recommended Comments

I'm not sure it can actually be described in any clear terms but


basically I'm not even remotely exaggerating when I say


that was the single most meaningful and literally life-changing weekends in my entire existence and I'm so grateful I could hang out with all you guys and it was awesome aaaaaaaaa

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