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Top Ten Tuesday #11: Books I Recommend the Most



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March 26: Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

  1. A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness. Quite possibly my favorite book.
  2. The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. An extremely moving and well-written book, something for everyone. Really gives you an appreciation for reading/books.
  3. The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Obvious choice is obvious. Tolkien is the master, and the Hobbit is an amazing book.
  4. The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. Harry Dresden is perhaps my favorite fictional character. Definitely one of my favorites, at least--his wit and humor are extremely enjoyable.
  5. A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin. This really is a fantastic series. There are, unfortunately, a few things that cause me to not recommend it as much as other things, but I did really enjoy this series.
  6. Mitch Rapp books, by Vince Flynn. American Assassin would be the book I recommend most, as it is my favorite--the beginning of Mitch Rapp and how he became who he is. Another character favorite of mine, and Vince Flynn is one of the authors that got me hooked on reading.
  7. And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. Also the Hercule Poirot books. Agatha Christie is a classic, and every one of her books that I've read have been amazing. Obviously some are better than others, but she's still a fantastic author.
  8. Anything by Michael Connelly. Or specifically, his Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller and Jack McEvoy series--he has a few other books, but I haven't read those. Really enjoyed all of these, though.
  9. Skin, by Ted Dekker. Just an amazing thriller that captures your attention from the start and never lets go.
  10. The Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis. This book just gives you a greater appreciation and understanding of what love is and what it means.

~ Velox


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I second A Monster Calls.

I haven't read anything else on here (false: I read The Hobbit 9 years ago) but look forward to The Book Thief, The Dresden Files, A Song of Ice and Fire, some Agatha Christie, and reading more by C S Lewis (I love The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce).



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Yessss, all of those are definitely great books. I'm sure you'll enjoy them! I also plan on reading more of C.S. Lewis. Those two (especially Screwtape Letters), and various other things as well. I also kind of want to re-read the Narnia books at some point because it's been so long that I don't even really remember them, but who knows.

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:kaukau: Huh, you and I just got done talking about "The Four Loves" over Skype, among other works by Lewis. I turn around, and look what I see.


I'm sure you'll be glad to know that this list actually inspires me to read some of these, even if is just the aforementioned book and The Hobbit.



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