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Pain Leads To Suffering



Before track yesterday I noticed my ankle was hurting worse than it had been. And my knee hurt a little as well. My muscle on the backside between the two was as tad sore also. Anyway, my knee was okay after a while, but my ankle really hurt. And still does.


So I'm limping around the house. It's been like this for about a month. First my left knee was hurting bowling (the one I put most of my weight on while throwing). Then my left hip the next week, and my right hip and other hip the next week. And two weeks later my elbow.


THEN I started track. And it's just been bouncing around my joints since them. I even had shin splints for a while...


Update: I had my ankle wrapped yesterday. It's much better. Gives it just the support it needs. Now what to do with my knee...


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Heh heh heh... That's pretty funny! If I hadn't started wearing ankle braces when I was in track (and if you knew how fat I was, you'd know the humor in that... I did shot and disk, as well as long jump. And the fat man 4X1...) I would have horrible ankle problems now...

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