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End of an Internship



Man, I had an awesome time at my internship in Dallas, TX, but sadly it is over. Now I most likely have two weeks of downtime before I drive back to the Pacific Northwest, unless I can get a job with them before I leave. (Seriously, as interesting as Texas is, I do kind of want to bail before the HOT weather shows up. It's already been a little too hot for me and the locals are calling it mild spring weather! Well, at least I can drive in the rain compared to most of em!)


But yeah, for the most part, I had an amazing three months here. See, I didn't do anything exciting in college; I studied and spent time online, so I didn't do many fun activities, make many new friends, or go to many cool places. (Lego Conventions aren't included in this analysis, cause they're considered super fun vacations from real life for me. :P ) But I got to meet a bunch of awesome people here, go lots of cool places, and got some invaluable work experience, so I couldn't have asked for more. Although I just graduated, the internship finally gave me the chance to have the college experience. :)


And for now... well, technically unemployed, but hey that means more time to do online stuff until I find my next job! I've been lurking BZP for the last few months, but I haven't done a whole lot, so I need to increase my presence here again. (Or at least start posting news again, if just to escape from B6's angry gaze for a bit.) But then again, my laptop is still about as sucky as it was three months ago, so I should probably focus on the job that will give me the money to replace the laptop... yeah.


So anyway... anything exciting happen while I was away having fun in real life? :P




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You know, we should probably have scheduled some time to meet up or something while you were here... though I suppose there's the next couple weeks, if we find time.


Yeah, Texas weather is one of those crazy things to get used to, but I am more partial to heat than cold.


©1984-2013 Toaraga EAM

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I've found Texans and people from that region are better drivers in rain than the people here in the PNW, which baffles me as the constant stream of dreary rain in the winter you would think get people used to driving in it pretty quickly. But I think the way it rains in Texas, Oklahoma, et al, with the torrential, hard, huge thunderstorms helps, whereas the light drizzle rain here really doesn't drive differently than dry weather does.

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