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Leaving Dallas



Hey, an update from me, yayz!


So this past weekend I got to meet Toaraga in person. (Turns out there are other BZPers in Dallas!) He was a pretty cool guy, and it was fun chatting with him. Toaraga, you need to come to a convention sometime. ;)


I also visited the Dallas Lego Store one last time, and bought a handful of Series 10 figs. There were a lot of people in there looking for the gold fig, and apparently at least 5 of the goldies have been found in that store. (By customers) But they still had a ton of bags to feel through, and I got the figs I wanted. (Librarian, Medusa, Roman General, Warrior Girl, Bee Girl, Sailor, and Baseball Player.) I know some people get tired of these collectible figs... but I'm not one of them. :P


I'm also set to move out of Dallas this weekend, and then it's another road trip back to Portland, so I'll be offline for a week again. (Because I've been soo active these last few months.) That, and I'm losing Internet tonight, so... yeah, gonna be away from BZP for a while. (Well, I'll check up on it via my mobile web on my phone, but I rarely use that to post.)


Anyway, need to find a job to pay for the next Lego convention. See ya!




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