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Hadrian's Wall

SparkyDino: Toa of Swordsmanship


So just a few days ago, I, Machine758 (-link to his blog-), and an intrepid bunch of crazy adventurers and three teachers, set off for Hadrian's Wall. Or Hadrian's Fence as we nicknamed it.


On the first day, we endured a 4 hour journey to get there. I sucked sherbet lemons all the way there, to stop myself going to sleep. It was still extremely hard. Then, we were dropped off by the minibus at the Roman site Vindolanda, and had a run around, and looked in the shop. We then drove to Housesteads, and ran around there too. We then literally climbed back to our Youth Hostel (a 4 mile walk), with the promise that the next day's walk would be three times as long. Dinner was disgusting, and we climbed into the beds for the most unconfortable night of my life. We stayed up until 4am talking, and then went to sleep for before waking up at an unearthly hour of the morning for breakfast.


On the second day, we endured everything I thought life could throw at us. We climbed over four mountains, and THEN still had a 10 mile walk to the next site. Which we ran around at. Then we endured another 4 hour journey back, during which we all collapsed from exhaustion (or boredom, I can't remember which). Blah.


Tired SparkyDino


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