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I Have A Blog?!



Boy when was the last time I posted an entry on this thing?I really need to get things to speed I haven't even updated the song of the week block in a while! But to make it up for you here's a joke:


One day a boy asks the teacher if he can go home.

"You can IF you tell me the first five letters of the alphabet!

So the boy goes home when he gets home his mum is on the phone.

"What's the first letter of the alphabet?"Asks the boy.

"Shut up!" Shouts his mum(she was very cranky that day).

So the boy goes to his dad who is watching football

"What's the second letter of the alphabet?" The boy asks.

"Yes!"His dad says as his team scored a goal.

The boy then goes to his older sister whom is doing her math homework.

"What's the third letter of the alphabet?" The boy asks.

"One million"The older sister says(she just figured out the answer to a question and decided to say it out loud)

So now the boy goes to his little brother whom is playing with his toys.

"What's the fourth letter of the alphabet?"Asks the boy.

"Action man:the greatest hero of them all!"The little brother shouts too busy playing to hear what the boy said.

So now the boy goes to his little little brother whom is playing with his toy cars.

"What's the fourth letter of the alphabet?"Asks the boy.

"In my little brum-brum car!"The little little brother says once again to busy playing to hear.

So the next day the boy goes into class(here comes the funny part)

"So whats the first letter of the alphabet?"Asks the teacher.

"Shut Up!"The boy answers.

"Do you want to get smacked with a ruler!?"Asks the teacher.

"Yes"The boy answers ignoring what she said.

"How many times?"

"One million!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Action man:the greatest hero of them all!"

"And how are you going to get away with this?!"

"In my little brum-brum car!".


LOL...Yeah I know the ending doesn't make much sense but then again I heard this a while ago so...But anyway don't go busting a gut over this I don't wanna get sued by a docter!



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