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Matastuck Musicians Needed!



Hey y'all.


So I'm chugging along with Matastuck and it has become somewhat apparent that I really suck at music composition.


So I'm doing a PSA to ask any and all who are interested if they'd like to help compose and produce music for the various Flash ((and possibly HTML5 walkaround)) animations.


I've already got someone on board, but the more I'm able to get to help out, the better off we'll be in both aspects of securing songs as well as quality.


This comic is just taking off, and I'd like to keep it going for as long as I'm able to, and the more people I have supporting the comic, the more accountability I have to keep producing updates. uwu


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I may be able to contribute a couple tunes here and there, but I don't think I can become a full-fledged composer because there's a non-BZP music project I'm assisting that would take priority, and there are only so many melodies I can compose. :P I have some example compositions on SoundCloud if you're interested in hearing some of my work, though the compositions are somewhat old now.

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Go ahead and send me the SoundCloud link and I'll give 'em a listen! :)


If you'd like to delegate more in the realm of composing for Matastuck, I'm pretty much always on Skype, so you can add me on there. My username is Kohilaice.

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