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Summer Boredom... So Repetitive



Well, not much happened today. I had summer boredom, so I just played Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy most of the day. Anyone else have that game? I enjoy it.


Two of my sisters packed their stuff today. They're visiting a friend in Arizona for a week, and they're leaving Monday. My other two sisters and my parents are going to... Pennsylvania, I think, around the same time, which leaves me. I'm staying at my grandparents house while everyone leaves the state. They have a nice computer though, so I'll still be on BZP.


Also, I have this awesome leather journal, though I don't exactly write in it anymore, but I really want to do something with it. I was wondering if you have any ideas of what I could keep in it, or how I could use it, or something, because I can't seem to think of what to even write in there. I seem to be having some sort of creativity block. I need inspiration.


Whoa, I kind of drifted off topic there. :P






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