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My bosses boss, the guy who sees over all the stores in the district area is intimidated by me. If you know me or have ever met me, I'm pretty much the least intimidating person most people know. My manager had to have his store review performed, and that involves the district manager coming in talking to the employees. The guy came in and completely avoided me and never asked me a thing. He asked my coworkers stuff to try and see if they would slip up but not me. When he left my manager talked to me, and the review overall was great considering we passed. However, at one point during his one-on-one session the district guy asked him a question about some of the tasks that get done. I pretty much handle all the non-essential sales tasks for the department. My manager told to the guy that I was the one he would need to ask the question to, and the district manager was just like "Well, I'll just go and assume that it is done." Apparently I know too much or something?


I've also started doing all the scheduling for the department too, and apparently they were impressed with that. The district manager complemented the schedule. They give us this ridiculous goal of spending only so much labor. You're not supposed to be at 100% scheduled and I was just making the schedule aiming to not use all our hours. I apparently put us at 90% and got a call out because I did an awesome job. The goals they set are crazy because we don't have enough people to work as it is, and we don't get to use all of the labor, but hey! Recognition is recognition.


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Labor management and scheduling is the worst part of management positions in large corporations, no doubt. You have to balance labor targets, goals, and reality along with employee needs and desires, whilst also watching availability and vacation stuff. It's maddening. So good job there!

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