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Shockwave's thoughts: FoC Shockwave Reprolabels



So, I figured to kick things off with me having a blog I would do a review of something. Lets go.


Fall of Cybertron Shockwave Labels




Here he is all decked out in his shiny pink labels. Very shiny. they look a bit dull in the pictures...

Anyway, This set includes stickers for his arms, shoulders, chest, legs blaster, wings, rear thruster and the bottom of his feet as shown in jet... thing mode. He also comes with a few alternate labels if you prefer him to look more like his G1 counterpart. These include a yellow eye sticker and an alternate grey chest sticker, as well as clear sticker that mimics the lines as seen in some appearances. The silver details where added by a sharpie, and do not come with this set. I really like this set and think it adds some nice detail to a sort of bland looking figure.


And this is his vehicle mode. It reveals the wing logos, front blaster details and rear thruster details. The labels don't help with the fact that the vehicle mode isn't the best, but the details are nice, and if you feel like it, the thrusters can be used as converting wrist blasters, which I find to be kinda neat.


So, there you go. How'd I do? Want to see a picture of a certain part at a different angle? just leave a comment and I'll arrange it.


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My brother has that Shockwave, he's pretty nice.


But my Transformers: Prime Shockwave is much more awesome. :P

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Oh yes, I agree. But this guy has some nice stuff going on.

Plus it was more of a Reprolabels thing. Hound is probably next. I like hound. Than Jackie. Than whatever I feel like throwing in there.

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