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Ok, here we go.


1. All of my coursework for Art, Graphics, and Multimedia is due in on the 14th May. I think I'm just about on track with that, I just need to be bothered to actually work on it. Which leads nicely on to...

2. Depression. Recently, I've been feeling almost suicidally depressed, as absolutely nothing in my life seems to be working right now. My laptop is still not mended, so I haven't been able to write any more of my novels, so I'm irritated. My friends are getting annoyed with my constant bad mood, which isn't good. And my Art teacher is slightly concerned that the only work I've been producing the last couple of weeks is about depression, death, and lonliness.

3. Love is so confusing. I've been trying to tell the person I like how I feel about them for the past year, and it turns out that they were trying to tell me how they felt as well. I finally asked them out, and we were meant to be going today. However, last night, they texted me saying that their driving lesson had been moved forwards a week, so they couldn't go. So now, it looks as though we'll have to wait until next week.

4. There's a certain Shrimp who would like some love in BBC 42. If he doesn't get any, he might cry. And we wouldn't want that, would we?

5. I'm posting in navy again. Italics was confusing, bold looked as though I was shouting for attention, and plain was boring. So navy it is.

6. I'll be back in full force soon. About a month, I reckon. When my coursework is finally finished, and everything else sorted out, I'll have loads of free time for MOCing, writing, and basically annoying all of you again.


And that's all that matters, right?




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What's to be depressed about? You live a great life! You have friends, you have artistic talent, people concerned about you, and a person wo loves you without needing to.


...None of which I have.

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1. Don't think about depression, suicide etc . . . i'm not going to give names here but I know someone close to me who became so depressed they made an attempted suicide. Luckily for them, I discovered and pulled them out of the situation, ever since he has always thanked me.

2. Love is a complicated thing, I know myself. Two of my friends recently took an attraction towards eachother and they just asked eachother out and both said 'yeah'. Simple as that. But for me, everything single time I ask someone out, they'll always give some absoloutely pathetic excuse to me. The one time did actually said yeah, I later discovered they were just using me for their own needs. The one thing I hate about love films, is that they make it look way too easy. One time, I fell in love with a girl and I struggled to tell them how I felt for three years straight . . . then when I finaly plucked up the courage to tell her, she wasn't interested . . . it just goes to show that the world doesn't always work . . .

3. Keep Strong And Move Along budd, believe me, those five words could save your life someday


I'm going to PM you as soon as I can and talk to you . . .

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Don't commit suicide. If you inexplicably disapeared that would be strange...

Suicide over a laptop... oh gosh, that would be sad...

At least you get to go out with them, yeh?

Hey, you had your time in the BBC spotlight. Heck, you even won a contest or two. Aren't you glad that it's me beating you instead of somone else? I mean, you are my MOC Master.


Lol, no, I'm not going to commit suicide over a laptop...and I'm gonna arrange another date to go out with them, so that'll be ok. And yes, I'm glad it's you who's beating me. You really deserve to. -S
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...I am not shouting for attention...


Listen to really depressing music. It helps. It helps counteract the bad thoughts. Listen to something happy, like Smash Mouth, and you -will- wish you were dead.

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