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Scratches... Thumping...



Went to bed for the first night in that game Scratches. Was woken up by a noise at midnight. Wasn't scratching... yet. It's a thumping. I figure it could be one of three things:

  1. Someone/thing is knocking on a door somewhere (the house has like eighteen).
  2. Someone/thing is running around the halls somewhere.
  3. Someone/thing is hammering somewhere.

I figure it's not running around, because it doesn't sound like it's moving -- it's consistent. I can't tell if it's above, below, or on the same level as me.


Needless to say, as curious as I am, I am too freaked out to bring myself to leave the bedroom. I'll wait until it's broad daylight tomorrow. Yes...


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Boo! *Scares Takatu*


I bet that game scares you to death huh? I'd get the game, but BC-J says there is a Directors Cut edition coming out soon, I'll get that one. Though I tried the demo, very freaky and nothing even happened yet!


Oh and try to hug a pillow as tight as possible while playing the game. It helps. :P

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It's one of those games where chances are good that nothing truly happens (as far as events) and the suspense just grinds your nerves to dust.


Well, curiosity got the best of me -- I left the room. Turns out it was only a disturbingly realistic dream that ended in someone whispering my character's name. "Michael..."


What wasn't a dream, however, were the noises that woke me up -- the noises that gave the game its name. Came from the basement, but thankfully Michael was smart enough to not go down there at night. So now it's morning with a raging storm. Joy.


But the scratching stopped. For the moment.

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