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I don't understand Animal Crossing



Okay, so I have an Animal Crossing game. Wild World, or whatever the DS one was called.


Part of the reason I don't remember its name is because I cannot for the life of me figure out what's so fun about it.


I see so many people talking and posting about this new one for the 3DS, but I have yet to figure out the appeal. I've paid mortgages, I've uprooted weeds, I've kept the neighbors I liked - or at least last I checked, it's been two or three years so it's probably all new people - I've bought things, I've traded things, I've sold things, I've even tried putting streets and sidewalks down to make it into an urban city. None of it made me "This is a really fun game." And yet people love it.


Can someone please explain what I'm missing here?


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You already explained the fun parts.


If you don't find it fun... then this is not really your type of game, I guess? Most of the people I know like it because it isn't a continuing installment of the popular FPS "John Marineface fights Nazis and Aliens in Greyscale McBrownworld".


Just personal preferences, I suppose.

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You already explained the fun parts.


If you don't find it fun... then this is not really your type of game, I guess? Most of the people I know like it because it isn't a continuing installment of the popular FPS "John Marineface fights Nazis and Aliens in Greyscale McBrownworld".


I don't know, I just...how is paying a mortgage so you can get a bigger house and pay off the mortgage on it fun? I don't get it. If you want a change of pace from Call of Battlefield 2142 Effect 3: Dead Ops, there's a lot of stuff that has more things to do, or has more of a story. There has to be more to it than just "I like it because it's not a generic FPS" that I'm missing.


I'm not saying it's a bad game, but I just don't get it.

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I find that the characters have a certain charm. It's calm, relaxing. Great time waster. It has all the mini-gratifications of a casual games with none of the friend-bothering.


Also, you can wear a dress as a dude and the game is totally cool with that.

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Personal suggestion here Necro, if you're looking for a calm and relaxing time waster that you would like, I'd recommend Thomas Was Alone or Reus. TWA's soundtrack is amazingly soothing and Reus is very much a slow-paced and relaxed game. Both have their own style of wit and charm and probably would work pretty well with you.

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I find that the characters have a certain charm. It's calm, relaxing. Great time waster. It has all the mini-gratifications of a casual game with none of the friend-bothering.


Also, you can wear a dress as a dude and the game is totally cool with that.



Personal suggestion here Necro, if you're looking for a calm and relaxing time waster that you would like, I'd recommend Thomas Was Alone or Reus. TWA's soundtrack is amazingly soothing and Reus is very much a slow-paced and relaxed game. Both have their own style of wit and charm and probably would work pretty well with you.


Eh, I've just always stuck to 8-bit games for ways to relax/kill time. The Gameboy and NES had addicting timesinks like no other.

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it's cute and fun and you can wear dresses and go to your friends towns and you don't have to compete at anything and you can just pick it up and play when you like and let it rest when you don't wanna and it's basically perfect in every way :3

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And that's why there are so many games. We are all different. Personally I think it's a nice change of pace From other games I play.

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