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Anniversary Ramblings: Origins

Toa Levacius Zehvor


Anniversary Ramblings

Episode 2 - Choosing is Good (Unless You Do It)


“Choice....There is great power in choices."


This here is (half of) a quote you may hear from Flemeth while playing Dragon Age. Origins, of course, and not DA2. It's something I sat and thought about and decided to share some insight on, relating to certain games and to real life alike. Let's look then, shall we?


Frankly, some games give you quite a lot of options based on your choice. The aforementioned game has quite a few things that can occur differently according to your choices, and the possible endings are all decided based on what you did - from minor details like what that person is wearing, to major ones like who gets to rule the country and who lives... or dies.


Contrast this to more linear games. Bionicle: Heroes, for instance, since most people on here either know about it, or own a copy and have 100% completing (I did it twice). How does the game end, exactly? The same way every time. Minor differences based on play style, of course, but those don't really impact anything when you get right down to it, you know.


Even with Origins, though, some stuff is already decided for you. And in Heroes, those minor play style differences can play a part.


What am I getting at?


Even when you have no real choice, you can still find your own way of doing things. How you execute the movements, in what order you do things. And when you have lots of options, you have to accept that some things are out of your control. What you do with circumstances beyond your control affects you as a person.


Even if the decision you make is a bad one, don't live with regrets. Embrace those mistakes and flaws. If that character in the game died or didn't drop the right item for you, you can reload. But you can't in real life, and you must be willing to accept that no, the shake machine at Del Taco is not working (I once went a really long time without having a milkshake, so I asked for one at a fast food place; twelve visits to assorted fast foods later, months later, every one had a broken shake machine)


So like the heading says - choice is good, unless you do it! But you've gotta live with those choices anyways.


A tad more sentimental and quite a bit shorter than my last rambling, I think.


Minor life lesson from a sixteen year old. It probably doesn't matter any and frankly has been said so many times that I'm now a walking cliche in every way (until the day this rhyme don't pay).


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