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Sup My Young Parsons...



I am too so hip and on the go that I drink my yogurt from a tube! :P Okay, sorry about that...


The ellipses are back! ... I mean, I'm back... From my month long break from Bzpower. I hate to say it, but it was relaxing. Except for the fact that the only reason I stopped attending Bzp regularly was to try to fix "real life" problems.


Oh, and I went to Ensenada, Mexico and built a very poor family a home with my youth group! Woot! Mexico was very dusty, and there were quite a few stray dogs. "Quite a few" is a very large under-statememt. It took us around a week to build a rather small house, but there were only 17 of us... I'm starting to rant again...


And to end with a question. Who is on first? :D


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I was referring, for no apparent reason to Abbott & Costello's "Who's on first" act. If you don't know of them, that's a shame. They were rather funny back in the day... of black and white television... and radio broadcasting... I wasn't alive back then either... :P
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"Who's pitching?"

"Now listen, Who is not pitching. Who's playing first."

"I'm not asking you what's the guy on first!"

"No what is on second."

"I don't know."

"Third base!"


Yep, gotta love that thing. Hilarious.

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