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Freeeow! Pop Pop Pop!



Rather than attempting to string recent events together in some sort of run-on paragraph, I shall fall back on the old standby of making a list:


1. I pulled a leg muscle playing soccer Saturday. It's not so bad now, but for a while I had to lift and move the leg if I wanted to move it somewhere without it hurting.


2. As expected, I got thoroughly trounced in the preliminaries. I expect that I deserved 2/3 of the trouncing, as Bundalings and Seranikai both had excellent MOCs, but getting beaten by those four-piece sluggies, well...


3. I've been busy this weekend uploading pictures of my Lenten MOC accumulation. Not all the folders are public, but I have a short quasi-comic featuring the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal:

Ho, a tourist?


I've fallen and I can't get up!


4. For those of you who enjoy System MOCs, I've posted The Little Yellow Bubblecar That Makes Life Better and my take on the U.S.S. Voyager.







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So fleebnorks are a Hitchhiker's thing? I thought some AFOL made that up.


Funny comic there. Love the blood.

Sorry to hear about the polls.



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Where did I say that? Fleebs are an AFOL creation, and neither they nor the LYBTMLB were influenced by Hitchhiker's in any way.





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Where did I say that? Fleebs are an AFOL creation, and neither they nor the LYBTMLB were influenced by Hitchhiker's in any way.



You mentioned fleebs in your bubble car topic, but I guessed I put two different things together.





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Sorry you couldn't make it past me and Seranikai. Really, I didn't get those Sluggies either. Just another of lifes little mysteries...

You should have been in the finals. I'm not gonna say names but a couple of those finalists weren't as good as you.


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