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Nice Trips; Coffee & Squirrels; Cheese



First thanks to Bundalings the Bunny, Skiz the Crazy Squirrel, and Electric Turahk for the blog suggestions.


Second off, ET, I hope you have an excellent trip to Disney World. I hope you meet a BZPer or five, get some great Lego, and have a blast at that "Most Magical Place on Earth" (or whatever)

In fact, I've been to that Lego store myself, when I went to Disney World 9 years ago.


On another note, don't give coffee to squirrels, because they are hyper enough without it, and they run around because they want to mate, so making them run around more could be bad on the squirrel population because none of them will settle down. Now, feeding coffee addicted squirrels to llamas might actually be pretty funny.


Finally, a note on cheese. Cheese is very random, and you must be careful. You could walk into any topic at all, any one, and somebody has mentioned cheese. Watch out.


Thank you (I'll keep that open for more suggestions. That was fun)


-CF :usa:


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