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Well this is disappointing so far



So, I started playing Arkham City.


I know I'm barely even into the game so far, but someone please tell me the gameplay gets better later on?


The cutscenes and voice acting are all outstanding - though Tara Strong as Harley Quinn does make me laugh every time, which is a shame since she really does do an outstanding job - as is the world of Arkham City. The environment and art are amazing, as is the dialog between the street thugs - one of my favorite things that so many games leave out is having the generic redshirt stormtroop enemies talk with each other like actual people would instead of just standing there menacingly, and the dialog in Arkham City is great.


But the gameplay so far has been...banal. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that Arkham Asylum was originally developed for consoles so the engine and all are ported, but the combat feels like a Batman-themed button masher, the exploration outside of the overworld feels like a generic platformer with an easy puzzle every once in a while, and traveling the overworld by Batgliding and grappling hook is not as cool as it sounded like it'd be. Again, I don't know if it's the engine not making the PC transfer well, but the gliding feels awkward, and the grappling hook doesn't let you swing or do anything beyond just "Press F to teleport to the highlighted area"


And don't get me wrong, I have no issue with games that are all about the story; The Walking Dead is one of my all-time favorites. But TWD didn't try to pretend it was an action-adventure game. Outside of an occasional quicktime/shooter thing for about ten seconds and some puzzles here and there, all of its gameplay was either cutscenes or choosing dialog responses. The actual gameplay in Arkham City just feels clunky and shoehorned for me so far.


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Stealth sections are really the best part of the Arkham Whatever games, to be honest. And early combat is basically buttonmashing, because you don't have the combo takedowns, or critical strikes, or basically anything you need later on to survive. Gliding stays pretty much the same until you get the Grapnel boost, though, I'm sad to say.

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It will get better once you start upgrading more stuff, but really I think the Arkham games are best played with a controller. It's a $20 investment at your local walmart, though I'm not entirely sure how well gamepads play with Macs, and should make the experience a lot more enjoyable. The game simply is not as smooth on a keyboard.

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As much as I liked Arkham Asylum, I tried playing Arkham City once and just quit because it wasn't like Asylum at all to me. I ought to give it another go, now that I own it...

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A little bit further into Arkham City, I'm actually enjoying it now. It's still not great gameplay, but it's good enough when you add in the great writing and acting.


Also fights as Catwoman are a lot more fun than fights as Batman, and I'm not just saying that because of looks, she's genuinely more fun to fight as.

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The combat does pick up once you get some of your cooler gadgets. I won't spoil anything specific but as you get farther along, you have ways of disabling enemies and their guns to even the odds, ways of doing more damage as you enter a fight, and so on. Personally I think City has a combat system that perfectly embodies "easy to learn, hard to master." It's much more fun when you get creative with how you fight.

Also I don't know if you played Asylum, but if you did-City's boss fights are much better.

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The combat does pick up once you get some of your cooler gadgets. I won't spoil anything specific but as you get farther along, you have ways of disabling enemies and their guns to even the odds, ways of doing more damage as you enter a fight, and so on. Personally I think City has a combat system that perfectly embodies "easy to learn, hard to master." It's much more fun when you get creative with how you fight.


Also I don't know if you played Asylum, but if you did-City's boss fights are much better.


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