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Everything Balances



It's probably a good thing right now that I've got Pokemon to get my mind off of the impending doom that has seemed to slowly grow over the last few months. And I suppose I had it coming, after I got my confidence up after a nearly perfect first half of the school year.


It started with two courses with professors that are absolutely terrible. Three weeks away from finals and we get our first test (and in the case of both classes the first actual form of grading we had recieved the whole time). It's now a full two weeks later and we still haven't heard back from one of the tests. The other class has clogged most of my free time with a pointless project that is essentially what we did in the 300 level class but far slower because the professor has never taught the class before, will never teach the class again, and doesn't seem to have a clue what he's doing.


But the biggest cause for panic over the last few weeks has been the sudden realization that come May 27th I may be stuck paying rent in two apartments. Let this be a lesson that verbal agreements hold no weight over signed contracts.


It all started when I got my job offer in Decemeber. I began looking for apartments so that I could be living closer to where I work (nearly 2 hours comparred to 15 minutes). I talked with my roomates and got a verbal agreement that it would be alright for me to sign over my part of the lease at the beginning of May. Here we are two weeks out, and it doesn't look like either has filled out the approriate paperwork. What makes things worse, the guy who's supposed to take over (who also recieved verbal agreement that it'd be okay about two weeks ago), is getting things set up so he can move in the day after I move out.


I'm at a loss. Big time. To the point where the last few nights I've been losing sleep over it. After the semester I had last year (awesome internship, great courses, job offer...) this last half has turned into a Semester of Disaster. And it has me terrified.


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It does sound nasty. :( But, do take heart where you can. It's tried, tested and true: If there's a will, there's a way. ;)


Hope the good vibes hit.



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