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Final Fantasy.



Okay, I beat Evrae by using all that I've got, but it starts the next battle after Evrae without giving you a save spot! So, I died, and I'll have to battle that bird/dragon/wyrm/whatever thing again!


Dang. I'm mad.


*Takes it out on you*


In unrelated news, I finished reading the Harry Potter books 1-6 again. It's kind of sad, when you keep on reading them one after the other, and then you know you can't continue. Yeah, and I need to start looking at book websites, to see if any cool or interesting things are coming out, or are out. Until then, I'm just going to read Calvin and Hobbes. :P I can't live without reading a good fantasy book. Well... maybe not "can't live"... I know I can't sleep. :P


In other Harry Potter related news, I got the Harry Potter 3 piano book. The songs are HARD. The first song has five pages, and filled with so many hard things. But, If I learn how to play it (and I will, I'm just that good. :P ) it will be awesome!


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Run around the airship,killing things untill your stats are abnormally high.Then kill it.Oh yeah,when you get to bevelle you have to fight it underwayer,but it comes with an automatic 'zombie' status,so 1-2 phoenix downs automatically kill him.Oh,and you fight Seymour again,I could go on,but I have spoiled enough,right?



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