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1000 posts, by and gone. I guess this is my celebratory.. celebration thing.

I didn't really have anything planned, no way to submit artwork.. all my MOCing distracted by Not Ninjo...

Sigh. I wonder if I could break a rule and get a post decrease.. :P

Well, comment on what you think about me hitting the big quadruple-digits, and me as a BZPer.



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Ah, yeup, I remember when I hit the big 1000...


...no I don't.


Well, anyway, congrats on yer big milestoneammajigger and keep an eye out so you'll notice when you approach 2000 ;)

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Well, anyway, congrats on yer big milestoneammajigger and keep an eye out so you'll notice when you approach 2000 ;)

The thing is, I was watching my approach. I stopped at 999 after reviewing Kex's BBC37 entry, planning to celebrate 1000 at least with my BBC entry. But then I posted in the "Who/When/Where Would You Be" Topic and totally forgot the whole thing.

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all right, got an idea. Paste a giant virtual sticky note in your blog and other assorted materials, so you won't forget.

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Heh, direct linking will take 10 posts off for ya. :P


But seriously, I guess there's nothing much to do except to wait for 2000... except plan a celebration for 1100 posts. o_O That'd be a bit strange, but hey, we all celebrated 100 posts back when that was all we had, so why not do it now?

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Well, anyway, congrats on yer big milestoneammajigger and keep an eye out so you'll notice when you approach 2000 ;)

The thing is, I was watching my approach. I stopped at 999 after reviewing Kex's BBC37 entry, planning to celebrate 1000 at least with my BBC entry. But then I posted in the "Who/When/Where Would You Be" Topic and totally forgot the whole thing.




Whoopsies. XD


"And that, everyone, is why we watch our posts at least a dozen or so before we reach our milestones. :P"


But, anyhoo, congrats on 1K, etc.! :) Here's to 2000! *toasts apple cider*



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Why not celebrate... 1111!


Or maybe the year you were born, like 19-something-something posts!


Orr... you can celebrate 1776 posts! Or 1492 posts! Or 2006 posts!




Let's stick with 1100.

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Why not celebrate... 1111!

Or maybe the year you were born, like 19-something-something posts!

Orr... you can celebrate 1776 posts! Or 1492 posts! Or 2006 posts!


Let's stick with 1100.

I thought I'd celebrate 1714, for my member ID. Or gibberish. Or just any random number I feel like.

Like 3785!

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