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I Have No Fear Of Drowning....

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


...it's the breathing that's taking all this work.





The model is unravelling. That's the only word for it.


I was supposed to finish improvement runs Monday. Instead, I might have calibration finished Monday.

In other words, I have 6 weeks of work and 2½ weeks in which to do it.


I'm out of time. It's all over.


Nothing short of a contract extension or divine intervention will save my hide.




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You might have to add some extra extra overtime to get this done KIE. Sounds like a dilly of a pickle indeed. I'll send some good vibes your way so things flow together well!


Flow... he he heheee

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Oww... talk about serious cramming. Serious overtime sounds like it, and a little more than that. Sending good vibes and cheerleader pompoms to support you!



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You guys don't realize that I've been putting in overtime (just not charging it) to get to this point, right?


Besides, most of what's left is letting the computer crunch numbers, and there's nothing I can do to speed that up.



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If there's nothing you can do to fix the problem, don't stress. You did what you can, and you'll continue to do your best, and that's all you can ask for. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.


But hey, I have faith in your abilities. You can do it.


Also, I love that song. <3

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When you say divine intervention...is there any specific one you have in mind. Or is this just a general shout out to whoever can help you.


Best of luck KIE. Hopefully you can get the extension on this one.

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