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When Life Gives You Lemons, Having Made Lemonade



The title of a result of putting "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" into an English-French translator and then putting "Quand la vie vous donne des citrons, faites la limonade" into an French-English translator.


Doing the same thing with German, we get: "If life gives you lemons, do lemonade" Do the Lemonade man!

English-Portuguese-English: "When the life gives him lemons, do the lemon soda"

Russian: "When the life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Surprisingly the same-ish.

Spanish: "when the life gives him lemons, do the lemonade"


In other news the track meet yesterday wasn't so good. So it went the same as usual. Gained 6 seconds in the half-mile. I was saving because it was again right before the 200-meter. It was last time though too, I just didn't know it. And I added a quarter-second to my 200-meter. I wasn't holding back either. Ah well, I gained a foot in the long jump! For me, 11'10" is good. I just need to add 5 more feet, and I can actually be competition to the other people. *sigh*


Why do I even do track? All it does is disappoint and injure you...


Update: Bumped because the fad of doing this has made a return. Though it never was too popular.


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I gave up on track (but I gave up because I'm fat and lazy...). That's why I joined my school's bowling team. I was varsity two years in a row! I miss school... At least the bowling aspect of it... It was awesome!

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