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Are you kidding me



First Apple stops putting CD drives into the Retina MacBook Pros.


That bugged me - and still does - but looking over the last year or two, I've used my CD drive maybe three times. I might be able to live with that.


Now I just found out that they solder the RAM to the logic board of the Retina MacBooks so instead of paying Crucial $80 for 8GB - or if this thing were able to handle 16GB, $170 for 16 - I have to pay them $100 for 8GB, $300 for 16GB, in addition to killing the time-honored tradition of taking compatible RAM from an old computer and just putting that into the new one.




Not to mention that this thing has outlasted all but one Windows laptop that my family has owned by far - it's over four years old and it's still running smooth, quick, and calm - which have died mostly from stupid design flaws, so even if I do overpay for it, I know it'll last.


It's like every few years they try and test whether or not I'm going to return to them once this thing dies.


I really hope this thing can last me another few years, because I am going to have a very tough decision to make if they discontinue the last non-retina MacBook Pro.


Also if they stopped making normal MacBooks, how is a MacBook Pro pro?


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Some people have started selling Windows 7 on laptops again, so that might be an idea??


Of course, I mention that only because I have no clue about anything regarding the MacBooks. =/

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My Windows 7 ASUS laptop has been running since a little before I graduated high school - so right around the three year mark right now - and still runs Minecraft and Mechwarrior Online, the only games I care about, quite well. I've seen plenty of Windows-running laptops bite the dust well before then, so there is definitely an element of chance in buying one.

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Some people have started selling Windows 7 on laptops again, so that might be an idea??


Of course, I mention that only because I have no clue about anything regarding the MacBooks. =/

That helps actually, but again, this thing is still running smooth as the day I bought it, so hopefully it'll last until I finish college and can get a job and can actually afford to replace it myself with something instead of having to get a summer job to pay for a cheap $300 piece of junk - no offense to anyone on a $300 laptop - since I can't get any decent-paying jobs while in college. By then I have no doubt that Windows 7 will be long-gone. We might even be onto Windows 10 by then.


Hopefully the time I need a replacement ends up being so far off that any worrying I do now is preemptive and meaningless, but in the off chance it broke tomorrow, it'd still be something I'd have to think about.




My Windows 7 ASUS laptop has been running since a little before I graduated high school - so right around the three year mark right now - and still runs Minecraft and Mechwarrior Online, the only games I care about, quite well. I've seen plenty of Windows-running laptops bite the dust well before then, so there is definitely an element of chance in buying one.

Oddly enough Asus is the brand of the one Windows laptop my family has that has lasted any significant time. Guess they're one of the good brands and it wasn't just a coincidence.


Honestly, I'm a lot less worried about gaming on it - I love CS:GO, Arkham City, there are a bunch of more modern/demanding games I love(Though I can't say I'm playing Crysis 3 or anything like that), but I can subsist with just FTL, Papers Please, and maybe TF2 to go along with Minecraft and my NES games and leave the rest to my PS3, 3DS, and Wii - and more worried about the "business" stuff I use this thing for running on whatever I get.


Music production and graphic design are very process-hungry, especially using professional-level programs. Plus I'm not sure how willing Adobe would be to give me Windows copies of CS6 since they're trying to phase out standalone copies in favor of a subscription service, and I'd have to completely switch over from Logic to a different audio program if I went over to Windows, which can be done, but it'd cost a lot of money(Professional programs aren't cheap!)


I'm keeping my options open because again, I'm not fond of where Apple's heading, but it'd be a lot easier to stay on OS X, so I'm hoping that can be done.

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That makes sense, yeah. /nods. I got lucky with my laptop, it was on sale for about 200 dollars off; so it was some pretty big savings, and works awesomely. ^^


But yeah, hoping that a current computer lasts a long time is certainly a big thing to hope for first. =P

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