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The April Five



I got in the newspaper! In retrospect, it is possible that the stick made of dry-erase markers wasn't such a hot idea, but who cares? I'm famous now. If I can somehow get our scanner to work, I'll post the picture for all to see.


Anyway, rather than blatantly ripping off ol' what's-his-face and doing this every Tuesday, I'm going to rip him off only a little and only do this every month:

  • What superpower would you have if you were a superhero?
  • How often do you view ANFSCD? (yes, I need data, or a datum as the case may be)
  • What operating system are you using?
  • What is your favorite invertebrate?
  • Do you think cricket boxing should be made an Olympic sport?




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I like it. Whatever-his-name-is-now should change his name to Ol' What's-His-Face so we know who he is.


1. Shapeshifting.

2. Whenever the little icon by its name says there is new content.

3. Windows XP Professional

4. I don't really know at the moment.

5. No.

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1. What superpower would you have if you were a superhero?



2. How often do you view ANFSCD? (yes, I need data, or a datum as the case may be)

What the heck is ANFSCD?


3. What operating system are you using?

Windows XP Home Edition.


4. What is your favorite invertebrate?

Sea mats


5. Do you think cricket boxing should be made an Olympic sport?

Not really




legoguy14 :silver:

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What superpower would you have if you were a superhero?



How often do you view ANFSCD? (yes, I need data, or a datum as the case may be)

No idea what ANFSCD is. Hitchhiker's thing?


What operating system are you using?

Window's XP something. In my room I use professional, but it's not internet connected.


What is your favorite invertebrate?

I'll get back to you on that.


Do you think cricket boxing should be made an Olympic sport?

That'd be interesting. But isn't the Olympics only for people, and not bugs? :P



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ANFSCD = Easier than typing out And Now For Something Completely Different.



Answer to question 2:

almost everyday, if there is something new.



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* What superpower would you have if you were a superhero? It doesn't matter, since no matter what my power was, it would be completely unrelated to my persona in any way, shape, or form. Like I would be "Speed Limit", I would have a poker themed costume, I would have battlecries like "It's time to TURN UP THE HEAT!" and my power would be to summon a stampede of wildebeast. But I think that I would like the power to make people more interesting. Think of how useful that would be!


* How often do you view ANFSCD? (yes, I need data, or a datum as the case may be) YES. I have no idea. I think this is my first time. No idea why I haven't found this eariler. Huh.


* What operating system are you using? Mac OS 10.4.9. It's a somewhat bloated system and regularly annoys me, but it's still infinitely better than Windows.


* What is your favorite invertebrate? I dislike you wholeheartedly. All of my favorite things are without spines, since spines are boring. But I'll just pick grasshoppers randomly and be done with it.


* Do you think cricket boxing should be made an Olympic sport? YES. It is my second favorite sport everrrrr. Right after curling. Curling and rugby. Rugby is hardcore.

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Nonsense! There are plenty of non-spiny invertebrates...earthworms, for one (the setae don't count as spines).





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Mkay, I gotcha, though using "vertebrae" or "backbone" in the first place would have helped to avoid confusion..





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