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Coliseum Concerns

Pahrak Model ZX


So...Technic Coliseum.




Obviously, with fighters who have single stats greater than the whole stat total of beginning fighters, the game is very intimidating to newcomers. It has also gotten stale for old players, judging by the nearly nonexistent activity of the topic. I've been tweaking it little bits at a time, mainly the tournament play, but I'm beginning to think that it might be better to just do a complete reboot.


I've only just started brainstorming, and I'm certainly not going to have the topic closed before I get something figured out. Current players need not worry: if we do reboot, you'll have a decent timeframe to reclaim your current fighters before they're put up for grabs. If anyone has any ideas, please share them! Third time's the charm!


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Maybe. I want to keep the basic concept: fighters from Bionicle, Hero Factory, Slizers, and RoboRiders all beating the snot out of each other. I just want to come up with a new way of presenting it that is more welcoming to newcomers and will remain fresh for longtime players.

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What do you think might be the thing that makes it stale for old players and intimidating for new players?


Is it perhaps that the advancement of a fighter's stats makes it so that new players can really only play against new players, and old players can really only play against old players? As in, a Class A/B fighter, which tend to be sponsored by newer players, can never really fight Class F/G/H/I/J/K fighters, and by the time they do catch up, it's likely the fighters originally at that position have moved up as well. This is where I think the problem lies, in that nobody can really fight the largest possible variety of fighters, and why I support the newer way of doing tournaments, as it's resulted in more battles.


I think one solution would be to have a fighter having some starting statistics of 48 altogether, and when sponsored the player is given another 48 to distribute amongst stats, but from that point on, stats cannot be altered except by items, giving more incentive to buy items rather than a race to the highest class possible. Then, this way, we could categorize ranges of stats, like, for example, 21-25 could be average for all stats, 26-30 could be above average, 31-35 'potent', 35+ exceptional, 15-19 'below average', 14 and below 'low potent', and the fighter could boost their stats by using upgrade bonuises, or a Kanohi Pakari to boost their strength.


Perhaps I may be a little biased, but I think the problem stems from the stats. By making it so that everyone was at a similar level, newer players could fight anyone and older players could fight anyone.

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Gaps in stats are definitely a big problem, I agree. I had thought about resetting stats after each tournament, but that might not be ideal; I like your idea of allocating extra stats when first sponsoring a fighter and removing trainers. It would certainly bring more focus to strategy. If we do use a system like that, it might be a good idea to lower the stat values--maybe a stat total of 12 rather than 48. That could help make the numbers look less intimidating.

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That could work, it would also simplify things a bit and perhaps also give more importance to +1 stat boosts, if I am understanding this correctly, and a stat total of 12 would also mean no stats above 10 because I would assume the lowest possible stat is 1, while also making people really think about what they would like their fighter's strengths to be and also forcing them to have weaknesses. It would also be slightly more reminiscent of the way BIONICLE.com had stats, although maybe a bit lower than the (several) double digits they had.


I might have misunderstood completely though.

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Definitely lower--the reason 48 is the starting total is because it's the total BIONICLE.com used for five of the Toa Nuva (with Onua being 49).


But yes, that would make small boost items more useful. I should definitely give fixed values to those boosts, since right now it's more of a vague, unspecific increase...


Okay, so fighters will start with 12 stat points, and sponsors can allocate another...12 might be a bit much, maybe 8(?), when they pick a fighter. Stat boost items will be given specific quantities. This should help with the stat problems; is there anything else?

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