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Lego Movie Round II



I saw it in 2D this time, and honestly, I think it might have been better. Some of Wyldstyle's scenes where she's jumping around seemed too fast and jarring when I saw it in 3D, and they seemed more natural or something this time around. I swear, 3D just never works for me; maybe my brain just can't process that extra dimension.


I took the time to enjoy some more details, and spotted some more figs and models. I saw Johnny Thunder a second time too!



When Wyldstyle's explaining how the Master Builders are being hunted, some of them escape through a tunnel and close it. Johnny hops in but drops his hat, and reaches out to grab it just before the tunnel seals. So hey hidden Indy reference! Still wish he had more screentime... it really doesn't seem justifiable that he gets to reappear in a set. The original time I spotted him was during the attack by the Super Secret Police.


And for the record, the real life stuff may make the idea of a sequel a bit of a stretch, but I feel they had enough foreshadowing that it really makes sense in the end. I do feel it interrupted the cool battle scene, which could've gone on longer, but I'm not too unhappy about it, at least compared to some other reviews I've read. :shrugs:



Also, I bought the soundtrack and have been listening to it quite a lot. Not all the tracks are exactly like they are in the movie... there's some extensions and cuts and stuff, but the basic themes are the same. And OMG Benny's theme is awesome even if it's short; I'm thinking of making it my ringtone!



Also the part where Batman spins his head around as he sighs when Wyldstyle asks him to save Emmet... that needs to be made into a gif... now.



Way too excited about the idea of getting this on DVD and replaying it over and over again! (I watched the heck out of my HTTYD DVD, and the Lego Movie has so much more rewatch potential.)






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I saw this in 3D yesterday (my first viewing) and thought the extra dimension added absolutely nothing of value to the experience. It's entirely possible this is why I walked out of the theater with such a middling reaction toward the overall movie.

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Did you notice what Johnny Thunder was doing during the siege of Cloud Cuckoo Land? He was running from the Orb of Titlist (not unlike Indy's iconic escape from a similar advancing ball of doom).


On the one hand, I think these scenes for Johnny Thunder were great, but on the other, they make me wonder if they were scripted for Indy himself, but used JT after failing to secure the rights.


I felt that while the live-action scenes did break up the action of the finale, the movie was better off because of it. It turned what would have otherwise been a fairly typical story of a revolution against the establishment into a touching parable about getting along as a family. For that very reason I think it'd be foolhardy to ignore that portion of the movie when the sequel rolls around. There are still plenty of stories to be told about both Emmet and Finn, and to ignore one or the other is to ignore what made the first movie special.



And yeah, I can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD. In fact, it might be what finally prompts my family to invest in a Blu-Ray player (since high-definition would be a boon when it comes to spotting background details or identifying how things are built).

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