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Pridak And Defilak



Just thought I'd share my favorite passage from Bionicle Legends #6: City of the Lost, which is a conversation between Pridak and Defilak:


Before he could stop himself, Defilak said, "You're a fraud. Barraki were not creatures of the water-depths. They were warlords of the surface world."


Pridak reached into the bubble and dragged Defilak out. Only the fact that his personal air bubble was still in existence, if razor thin, kept the Matoran from drowning immediately. "Come with me," said Pridak. "I want to tell you a tale, morsel. I hate to see anyone die ignorant."




Pridak brought Defilak up to the top of the salt mountains that overlooked Mahri Nui. The Matoran's eyes widened with shock at the sight of his friends fighting for their lives against an army of venom eels. Pridak laughed at his obvious concern.


"They will be the lucky ones," he said, gesturing toward the defenders. "They will be free of the Pit in the only way you can be, through nonexistence. And they will die in battle -- glorious, all-consuming battle -- a privilege not granted to the Barraki. No, we were condemned to a living death."


"You keep calling yourself by that name," Defilak said. "But the Barraki were said to be titan-masters -- rulers who dominated wherever they went and left lesser beings in awe. They weren't... um..."


Pridak brought his face up close to Defilak's mask and hissed, "Say it! Go on, morsel, say what you are thinking. The Barraki were not monstrous creatures of the sea, skulking in caves or lurking in the black water out of sight of 'civilized' Matoran."


Defilak didn't answer, preferring to go on living for at least another minute. Pridak slowly backed away, his rage subsiding. The Barraki gestured toward the battle with a clawed hand and whispered, "Isn't it glorious? The fighting... the shouting... the desperate struggle to survive..."


"No," said Defilak. "It's horrible."


"Ah, well," Pridak replied, shrugging. "As I always say, good taste is in the jaws of the devourer. But I promised you a tale before you died, didn't I? There was a time when I did not look as I do now, or have to subsist on the bottom feeders of this cursed sea. I was a conqueror, and undisputed leader of the League of the Six Kingdoms."


The name stirred another memory in Defilak's mind. Yes, his Turaga had mentioned the League in the tales told around the night fires. Something about the alliance of rulers falling from its exalted position and coming to a very bad end...


"We rose up against the Great Spirit Mata Nui," Pridak said, sounding as if it had just happened yesterday. "And we were crushed for our efforts, our armies shattered, our realms no doubt ground to dust. Makuta would have taken our lives -- the only decent thing he could do -- had not the creature Botar intervened. He brought us to a place of darkness and misery, and there we stayed for thousands and thousands of years."


Pridak snatched a passing fish out of the water. He eyed it as if it were a potential meal. Then, dissatisfied with its size, he threw it to some Takea sharks that were circling overhead. "We survived, and we planned," he said. "And we learned to hate with an all-consuming fury -- hate Mata Nui, hate Makuta, hate everything that could walk on dry land and breathe air, as we no longer could."


The sharks had devoured the fish and now moved on in search of other pray. They split up, herding smaller fish into a tight ball before mounting their ferocious, and very successful, attack. The sight chilled Defilak.


"Then came our deliverance," Pridak continued. "A great earthquake shook out world. The walls of our prison ruptured and we were able to swim out into the black water. And there we... changed... into what you see before you, and worse. Working together, the six of us built a realm here, a first stepping-stone toward greater conquests. Then your city, Matoran, came crashing down through the water and obliterated all that we had created. Fate, it seemed, had struck at us again."


Defilak shook his head, just trying to take it all in. The sinking of Mahri Nui had been so traumatic that none of the Matoran had a very clear memory of it. Certainly they had never realized that their city had destroyed another. He could well understand why that must have seemed to the Barraki like the wrath of the Great Spirit unleashed.


Anyway, I thought it was so well-written, and figured I'd share it with you all. Sorry, I'm a little bored. :P And, for the record, I keep picturing Ralph Fiennes's voice for Pridak's (not like Voldemort, more like Rameses from The Prince of Egypt).


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