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It is really freaking me out lately that I am a real, grown adult, and so are most of my friends. I don't know if I missed the part where they prepare you for this or if it just doesn't exist, but it makes me feel really uncomfortable when I talk to an old friend and suddenly realize this person I knew when I was twelve or thirteen got married last year and has a house and a dayjob and that I will have at least the latter two most likely some time in the next few years. When did I become an adult? And I'm not even sure if it's good or bad?


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...suddenly realize this person I knew when I was twelve or thirteen got married last year...



It's seriously starting to freak me out that some of my friends, a few of which I've known since basically birth, are already getting married. And they're pretty much the same age I am. It's like... how can your life possibly be so in order that you're ready for marriage? It'll be years before I even get close to that stage of my life. It makes me wonder just what I'm doing wrong. :unsure:

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I have been out of high school six years now.

I have started and ended at least four jobs that could have (or are for the present) been made into careers

I have not accomplished what I thought I would have by this point in my life, but in the same vein I realize I've accomplished more than I should have.

I have friends who are coming out of college now who aren't able to get jobs on par or better than I have held, yet I'm a highschool drop out

I'm on track to, within the next five years I'd say, own my own house.


It only gets weirder the older you get, people you thought would never get married do, people you thought would never break up do, and people you thought you'd know till you're old and grey die.

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