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Categorical Greg Reference Update





It's nice when your IDE can define your problem for you. :P


Apparently I'm going to have to take something back - the categorization is probably (not certain, but probably), NOT going to take hundreds of hours as previously thought in the last blog entry. Due to the amazing powers of Java and JavaScript, I have rigged up a much more sophisticated search system than the Ctrl-F bar, which returns all of the posts that contain a certain word. (This is the net equivalent of the archives search feature, which, for those who don't remember, was agony. Much scrolling.)




Using the same system of code, however, I can narrow the search "frame" down to the answers themselves, as opposed to the posts, to an extent. This will help extremely. (Oh how long have I dreamed...)


Also I found this, which is much cause for celebration. Not only is this exhaustive list of almost all categories related to Bionicle, courtesy of a certain wiki staff near you, but it also comes in alphabetical order, to which I am extremely grateful. (I might need to prune it a bit, though. :shrugs:)


(Did you know that there were pillars of salt in Bionicle? I didn't.)


Anyway, so getting the reference (in theory) is just a matter of throwing the categories into the search system, and pulling the results. And thanks to the wonders of modern programming, this can be totally 100% automated. (Do not destroy Google. :lol:) This means that it can be done rather quickly.


However, given that my answer-winnowing system is based on numbers, and otherwise the thing will return the post, I'm going to get a lot of discussion posts (with no answers) and tons of dupe answers, because answers were quoted and repeated twice. Also it's inevitable that some of the answers will escape even the finest of search nets.


But all of those problems can be solved. The last problem appears to be the easiest, because I can just search the categories against the original document and remove any auto-categorized answers. This will leave the rest, which I can do by hand. Dupe answers might be eliminated on a string-matching system. The discussion post problem I'm not sure about, but if worst comes to worst, I can remove them myself. (Although I've thought of, since I have all the numbered questions and answers, I can just pull those, search separately, etc, and avoid this problem, although not all Qs and As were numbered, so I'll have to go back after and grab the others. I have options.)


And then I have to check through the whole thing in case any weird errors and stuff happened, and make sure all the categories are complete. (Computers are brainless.)


And all of this has to be done for all three documents, and the categorization stuff merged. The original Greg Discussion is probably going to be the hardest, because some of the answers were numbered using <ul>s and <li>s, not actual numbers, so I'm going to have to adjust for that somehow. But I will.


Then I have to work in those Greg Topics I scrambled from after the archive crash. Most of the stuff is from 2003, although there's stuff from 2008 in there I don't want to see disappear. (Lazy fishers hasn't released that, because I have to rename all of the ~460 topics somehow. I also need to merge them together so they're searchable (easy), and categorize (hard)...don't know how to automate that. Maybe I'll think of something.)


Lastly, I have to do the Erebus topics and JAG18's LMB stuff, but that's a snap (bones already helped. Thank You, although I will check your work. :P). Mostly the big deal is getting the three OGD topics categorized though, and back on BZP!


So I'll get back to it.

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