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One Sentence Set Reviews



Alright, let's get to it:


60006 Police ATV


Because a getaway wheel-barrel is the best getaway vehicle.


76014 Spider-Trike vs. Electro


Literally the only reason to buy this set is for Electro, for some reason; or if you haven't picked up a Spider-Man fig within the past ten years of Spidey sets, but even then the other sets are better.


2014 Hero Factory


Three words: LEGO Pacific Rim


70128 Braptor’s Wing Striker


That bat looks like a Ferengi.


(If you like these I'll think of more. Have any of your own?)


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

I dunno, I'd be less interested in getting that Spider-Man set for Electro and more interested in getting it for his parts—specifically, all that luscious lightning in such a small set.

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I dunno, I'd be less interested in getting that Spider-Man set for Electro and more interested in getting it for his parts—specifically, all that luscious lightning in such a small set.

My point being: aside from lightning, the parts that come in that set aren't too luxurious.

You didn't even mention new or interesting pieces, fail review. :P


(I want a getaway wheel-barrel!)



I mentioned the bat's head!



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I dunno, I'd be less interested in getting that Spider-Man set for Electro and more interested in getting it for his parts—specifically, all that luscious lightning in such a small set.

My point being: aside from lightning, the parts that come in that set aren't too luxurious.


It does have two Bright Blue 1x2 bow plates, which only come in that and one other, much more expensive set (which likewise only has two of them). Of course, they will be appearing in some of the blue Mixels sets, so I guess you might as well wait and get them for cheaper.


It also has two white Barraki eyes, but those aren't quite as rare and have been around for long enough that they're pretty widely available on Bricklink for a low price.

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