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Mother Met



Essays, Not Rants! 107: Mother Met


I wasn’t a fan of the How I Met Your Mother finale that aired on Monday. Now, I usually like finales; I love the ending of Lost and I do like how Chuck ended. Though both are controversial in their own right, they felt emotionally honest and true to the show. The problem with How I Met Your Mother’s “Last Forever” was that for what it was trying to do, it felt unearned.


And if you haven’t seen it yet: SPOILERS


My main complaint is, of course, Ted and Robin getting together at the very end. Why is this such a big issue? Because it undoes a season’s worth of work. That’s the primary problem with the finale: it backtracks. What’ve we spent most of the past season doing? Just about every episode’s pursued either a ‘Ted-gets-over-Robin-so-he-can-meet-the-eponymous-mother’ or ‘Barney-and-Robin-get-over-issues-and-recommit-to-each-other’ plot in some form or another. The penultimate episode (finally) wrapped up both arcs; Ted was over Robin, Barney and Robin were married.


Undoing the latter within the first fifteen-odd minutes of the finale and undo the former in the last three not only feels cheap but doesn’t mesh well with, y’know, everything else. It feels like a gut punch to anyone who spent those hours with the show.


Sure, people get divorced in real life, but the issues with Barney and Robin is, again, the year we spent confirming that they should be together, only to see a single fight a couple years in the future that led to them deciding they shouldn’t be together. It was handled so abruptly that it’s unmerited. If they were to pursue this route, they would have to spend more time on it. It’d been such a long time coming; both Barney and Robin had to get over commitment issues over the years to get here. To have it undone so quickly was a shame.


With that, How I Met Your Mother has been a show that lets its characters change. Barney spent the past couple seasons leaving his womanizing ways. It was a huge change for one of the pillars of the show, but it worked. Though him regressing post-Robin does show signs of rock bottom, it feels like a huge slap to the face of the last couple years (and 31’s baby, though sweet, also feels shoehorned and raises additional questions [does he have custody, is he settling down with 31, etc])


Finally, the mother. My biggest concern with the finale (and this season) was that we wouldn’t be sold on her relationship with Ted, wouldn’t get that catharsis. And with so much of the finale spending time with the other couples (despite both being pretty much wrapped up in the prior episode), I felt like we were running out of time. But the scene under the umbrella where they meet (Tracy!) was wonderful and the train moving past would have made the perfect ending. Because right then, I was sold on the mother. Even if she died, it’d make for a pleasant, bittersweet ending.


To have it end with Ted going after Robin, though, made the mother seem like an obstacle along his way to Robin. Suddenly the mother didn’t matter. And that felt dishonest, that felt untrue to the Ted from the beginning and the Ted we got to know. It happened too quickly (though it was six years in the plot, it was barely a cut for us) to feel earned. It felt cheap, and made the show feel cheap.


All that said, I have the utmost respect for Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. They shot the bit with the kids nearly a decade ago and stuck with it (though editing could have changed the ending); they stuck with their original idea through it all. They stuck to their guns and told the ending they’d wanted to tell all along. I do think they got screwed by the network, though in basically the opposite way that Firefly did: the show went on too long. I feel like the twist would have worked better three or four (or even more) years ago, or even if they hadn’t built up Tracy so much. But still, to pull a twist that big on this sort of show? That takes stones.


I guess your reaction to this ending depends on why you’re watching it. To call back to Lost for a second, I watched it for the characters, not the mysteries, and loved the finale. With How I Met Your Mother, I watched it because I wanted to see Ted meet the mother. I guess if your investment was anywhere but there, the ending would have landed better.


In any case, I would have been alright with the finale were it not for those last three minutes. For me, it ended with the train.


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You pretty much articulated my feelings on it exactly, minus the issues with Robin and Barney's divorce which I just don't have (I can see why others do though). My only thought is on this part:


They stuck to their guns and told the ending they’d wanted to tell all along.



On one hand, I agree. It's great to see someone stick to their guns and do what they want to do. On the other hand... I'm not convinced they should have done that. They should have realized after seven or so seasons that it wasn't the appropriate direction to go anymore. Nor am I convinced that a shorter overall series would have changed much. Given the same actress, situations, and character treatment, I'd still find it frustrating to essentially write off the character who we were all watching the show to see. If anything, I think Milioti's great performance was what probably killed the creators' ending. She did an amazing job given the ridiculously low amount of screen time she had, and maybe if she hadn't been so darn perfect then the ending would have been a softer blow. Not that I blame her at all- the creators still get all my criticism. I honestly think I'd respect them more if they changed their planned ending. Because it's easy to give your story the ending you want, and a little harder to give your story the one it needs.


I think I just regurgitated your essay in a poorly written paragraph, but yeah, that's where I stand on that particular issue. Also, even though it has nothing to do with HIMYM, I'm just going to say it: I love Lost's finale.


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Yeah, I see that too. I do think they should have changed the ending, but sticking to it is something I still find oddly admirable.


And yes; Milioti's performance 'ruined' it, haha.

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