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An Audience With the Queen of Light

Pahrak Model ZX


You may remember this idea I've been going on about involving magic Queens and all? I'm thinking the title of this story will be "Divine Strength", though that's subject to change. But more to the point, I've made a rough draft of a prologue I might use for it.


...But, it's rather long. If anyone's skimming the blogs here in dashboard format, they'd really hate me if I posted the whole thing here. So, instead, I'm going to give a link to the Tumblr post. You can find the prologue here.


It takes place a few decades before the main plot, and introduces the villain who sets everything off and the (previous) Queen of Light. I will definitely be editing it at a later date, but if you could provide me with some feedback on the current draft, it'd really help me know what to edit. If you have comments, you can either contact me here or on Tumblr--either's fine. I'd be very grateful for the help!


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That was intense. Was the Queen of Light supposed to be a good person? Because you've managed to make both her and her captive multi-dimensional in just a few short paragraphs. :)


You've gone into a bit of backstory, but I like how you put in there using dialogue instead of boring exposition. You've also given a bit of psychological intrigue to draw us in, leaving us with some questions about the shady intentions of Rinyon and the Queen of Light.


I'm not sure what I'd edit. It depends on the larger story you're telling, but overall this prologue seems pretty solid. I'd go on to write the next section with no worries. :)

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The Queen of Light will be the character whose viewpoint we see the most, so yes, she is meant to be seen as a good person. I'm glad to hear you liked them both--I was a bit worried Riniyon's single-mindedness made him too flat. Thank you for the feedback!

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Nah, the single-mindedness only raises more questions. It's clear that he's absolutely furious and single-minded in his fury, which raises the question of why he is so furious and full of hatred. If I were writing this, I would make sure that the reader gets to discover that answer somewhere over the course of the story. :shrugs:


Also the Queen of Light seemed to enjoy toying with Riniyon and was amused by his tactics, so I was unsure as to her moral alliance. It could be that she is immature and underestimates the threat of Riniyon, and I do enjoy this character depth/ambiguity, but if you want her to be seen as unquestionably good from the beginning, you might want to make that more clear. :shrugs:

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Mmm..."unquestionably" good sounds a bit much. She does come across as immature at times, and I don't want to hold her up as having absolute moral authority or anything. That'd be too idealized and boring. :P


I think I'll leave her as is--maybe a little different, since she'll be in a different body for most of the story, but if this is the impression her basic essence leaves, then I'm cool with that.

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